Chris Cheatham
Scaling Insurtech
Published in
1 min readDec 20, 2017


Writing job descriptions that don’t suck

I’m trying to write job descriptions that don’t suck. The RiskGenius product manager made a good point recently: business people struggle to write job descriptions for engineers. She said she can always tell when a non-designer writes a job description for a design job.

So how do you fix that?

Well, I’m researching good job descriptions.

Here’s one from Intercom for an engineer.

I like this posting because:

It leads with the company’s mission.

I love the structure. Background about the company. What’s the opportunity (including location). And description of the role. And then skills (not overly technical) and benefits.

Even the Emojis sprinkled throughout are a nice touch.

Everything about this job posting screams big vision. I am going to do that.



Chris Cheatham
Scaling Insurtech

ClaimKit CEO, rabid Jayhawk fan, bad golfer, reader of books.