Scallop Tools — A UI Tool for Building Sui Programmable Transaction Block (PTB)

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4 min readJul 7, 2023


Scallop Tools

Scallop Tools is a UI tool that lets you construct Programmable Transaction Blocks that contain multiple transactions into one transaction block. (🏆2023 Sui Seoul Builder House Hackathon 1st Place)

Unlike chains that are compatible with EVM, Sui provides a distinct advantage with its Transaction Blocks, which are capable of incorporating several transactions simultaneously. To illustrate, let’s consider a scenario where users aim to distribute a set of ERC20 tokens across various addresses. Under typical circumstances, this requires a contract to be established on the chain, along with approval for the contract to access the respective token. However, these steps are not only resource-intensive, consuming substantial Gas, but also potentially expose the process to security vulnerabilities.

In contrast, Sui’s architecture simplifies this process considerably. It facilitates the direct transfer of tokens to multiple addresses using a very straightforward method. Our UI tools enable users to compile numerous transactions into a single Programmable Transaction Block. Essentially, we empower end-users by offering them the tools necessary to construct their own Programmable Transaction Block.

🔗: Scallop Tools

Basic Features

Scallop Tools

Scallop Tools V1 supports these kinds of basic features:

1. Transfer Object

You can transfer an object to an address, please check Sui Explorer before you transfer your Object to see what it is.

Transfer Object

2. Transfer Coin

You can transfer coins to an address, please check Sui Explorer and make sure the coin is the real coin with the correct address.

Transfer Coin

3. Split Coin

You can split a coin object into many coin objects.

Split Coin

4. Merge Coin

You can merge a coin into an object.

Merge Coin

5. Dump Object

You can dump an object into an incinerator address.

Dump Object

Programmable Transaction Blocks

Upon these basic features, you can start creating your own Programmable Transaction Block, here are two PTB examples:

Send coins to multi addresses

By adding three Transfer Coin transactions to send coins to multi addresses.

Send coins to multi addresses

Merge coin and split coin in one PTB

By adding Merge Coin transaction and Split Coin transaction in a Programmable Transaction Block.

Merge coin and split coin in one PTB

We look forward to seeing more creative Programmable Transaction Blocks sent by Scallop Tools, welcome to share your Programmable Transaction Blocks at Scallop Discord.

What Next?

These are some exciting features we are building for Scallop Tools V2:

  • Send Arbitrage Trading Between Different Protocols

To enhance the possibilities for arbitrage trading, we’re set to integrate with more DEXs and lending/borrowing protocols.

  • Transaction with Memo

To make transactions more seamless, we plan on introducing a memo feature that will allow users to add personalized notes to their transactions.

  • Local Storage of PTBs

In order to offer a more secure and personalized user experience, we’re working on a feature that will allow you to store your PTBs locally.

We look forward to continuing this journey with you and providing you with the most comprehensive and user-friendly DeFi tools in the Sui ecosystem.

🔗: Scallop Tools


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