Prioritization fees and other improvements

Scalp Empire
4 min readMar 17, 2024


Fight the congestion on Solana with prioritization fees, compare listings to previous buy to quicly glance a collection trend and portfolio speed improvements.

Prioritization fees

We have all noticed transactions timing out on Solana mostly due to the high defi activity. If in the past a good RPC was needed to make sure your transaction reaches the active validator, lately this is no longer enough to make sure your transaction is actually processed as more and more users compete for block space. This is why Solana introduced prioritization fees.

The TL/DR of prioritization fees

Executing a transaction on the blockchain consumes the resources (CPU & RAM & Network) of the participating validators. This resources are abstracted behind the notion of compute units. Depending on the complexity of the transaction, some consume more compute units, others less. Each compute unit has a default price expressed in micro-lamports (1000 micro-lamports = 1 lamport) but one can set a higher compute unit price in order to prioritize the transaction. Since block space is limited, validators will choose to process transactions that a higher fee to maximise their profits.

Total fee = compute units * compute unit price

Prioritization fees in Scalp Empire

We have implemented 5 priority levels which you can configure globally in Settings. Each level has a preset compute unit price that is applied to transactions which you can view by hovering on the help ⍰ tooltip.

Out of the 5 priority levels, two work a bit different:

Auto: sets the compute unit price based on the prioritization fees used in transactions involving marketplace programs over the past ~150 slots (last 90 seconds give or take). The automatic price is updated frequently and it’s current value can be viewed in the help tooltip.

Normal: works just as before and is the default. Since we use the MagicEden API to fetch the co-signed buy transactions, they might sometimes add their own automatic prioritization fees.

You can also view current network utilisation of prioritization fees on the top left corner of the wallet connect button and hovering your mouse over it will explain what is going on:

For convenience, the prioritization fee level is also shown at the top of the Purchase mode section, next to the set royalties.

The prioritization fees are currently used in manual buy, auto-buy and sweep purchase modes. We will also slowly roll them out for bids and portfolio activities (list/delist etc.).

Listing profit comparation

An arrow next to the listed item’s price indicates if the sale is in profit or at a lost compared to the last purchase of that NFT. If there is no indicator this means there was no previous sell/purchase. You can use this indicator to get a quick glance at the sales trend (are people panic selling ?).

Portfolio improvements

Tabs have been added for easier navigation between NFT list and past activity. A new wallet cleanup tool was added to quickly close empty accounts, very useful for high volume traders as there are no fees involved (compared to other platforms).

But most importantly there are significant speed improvements on initial potfolio load time, especially for those wallets that hold a lot of assets.

Remember, you can also view the portfolio of other wallets (not just your own) by clicking the wallet links wherever they appear (on listings, sales, NFT popup etc.).

