Royalties, Snapshot and Airdrop platforms

Scalp Empire
5 min readMar 3, 2023


Our new set of tools for Solana project owners and not only.

Leveraging the data collected by Scalp Empire Analytics and Sniping tool, we are now able to provide more utility to the Solana ecosystem via our new set of tools aimed at project owners looking to simplify their repetitive workflows, recover unpaid royalties or gate access to their apps based on the status of royalty payments.

Collecting outstanding royalties

Since around August 2022, marketplaces on Solana made royalties optional. This affected a lot of projects since for most, royalties were their only revenue stream.

While new standards for royalties enforcement were developed by CoralCube, Simpl3r, Cardinal, MagicEden and Metaplex, all of them come with tradeoffs that might not be suited for everyone. Most importantly they restrict the owner from freely interacting with with his asset which goes against the core principle of web3.

Also these standards are hard to migrate to (if possible at all) and require project owners to continuously maintain rulesets/whitelists etc. to keep up with the newly developed dAPPs.

Our solution to royalty payments

This is why we developed a simple API and SDK that project owners can use to either check, restrict or enforce royalties payments on their collection with ease.

The API/SDK allows you to:

  • Check the status of one or multiple NFT
  • Generate and submit royalty payment transactions

Developers can easily integrate API checks in their apps, limit access to certain app functionality or even fully restrict access and of course have users pay their overdue royalties.

Check out our GitHub repo containing the API details, SDK and sample application:

We are currently in the process of contacting discord bot owners in order to implement our API for role assignment. If you’re a bot owner please reach out.

Even if you don’t have a use for the API/SDK in your app, you can also direct users to pay royalties on our royalties website and use the Snapshot tool to check the status.

Obtaining a Royalty Payments API key

There is a simple onboarding process for projects wanting to implement our Royalty Payment API. During the onboarding we check if the collection is properly indexed by Scalp Empire and update any royalties paid manually via other methods.

An API key is assigned to the collection and developers can start making calls from your own app.

Please contact us in our discord for requesting an API key.

Pricing of the royalty payments API

The API/SDK is free to use, however, users paying overdue royalties are charged 0.01 SOL / transaction. This is to cover part of our infrastructure costs.

Snapshot and Airdrop platforms

The Snapshot platform offers a lot more information about the status of each NFT than traditional snapshots. You can use this information to filter the list of holders and then export it for external use or just use our simple Airdrop platform to reward your holders with SOL or any other token (NFTs also coming in the near future).

The Snapshot platform

Unlike traditional snapshots that only provide basic owner information, our Snapshot platform offers more advanced information that can be used by project owners to get more insights in their collection and/or reward holders based on specific needs:

  • Listing status on major marketplaces
  • Days since the last sale transaction
  • Real owner when renting on Cardinal and Rentii
  • If the NFT is currently borrowed against on
  • Staked status
  • Amount of royalties for the last sale
  • Attributes

Filtering is possible on all the criteria mentioned above plus you can manually exclude wallets (such as staff owners), and once you are happy with the selection, the list can be exported in multiple formats or used as an input for the Airdrop platform.

The Airdrop platform

No snapshot tool is complete without a way to bulk send rewards to those eligible. The Airdrop platform is fast and cost effective way to achieve this. You can distribute SOL, any token and soon even NFTs.

Managing the wallet list

The basic input for the Airdrop platform is a list of wallets and (optional) a number of shares for each one. You can provide this list yourself or use the Snapshot platform to generate it.

You can think of shares as the number of NFTs held by a wallet. The more shares a wallet holds, the more it will be rewarded from the airdrop.

You can make the distribution from the connected wallet or provide a different wallet address. If you choose the latter, you will be asked to provide the private key to that wallet in order to sign the transactions.

The platform is flexible and you can choose between distributing a total amount that will be divided equally between shares/wallets or an individual amount per share/wallet.

It will also estimate the maximum network fees for transactions and creating associated token accounts (ATAs) for those wallets that don’t already hold the token you’re distributing.

Once the airdrop is configured, you can start the distribution process. The platform automatically optimises the transactions in batches so you will need to sign as little as possible (while also reducing network fees). You can of course use a Solflare burner wallet with auto-approve or provide the private key to the distribution wallet in order to skip the manual signing process. If any transactions fail, they can be retried as many times as needed.

Once the airdrop is completed you can generate a proof link containing a list of all the transfers that can then be shared with your community.

Pricing for the Airdrop and Snapshot platform

At the moment there are no fees for taking snapshots or performing airdrops. We will announce ahead of time when this will change.

Want to find out more ? Take a look at our apps and join our discord:

Royalties PoC:
Royalties API:
Snapshot & Airdrop:

