Stories Behind the Web Background Pictures IV

Å, Ä, and Ö met E(stonia)

Scandinavian ABC
2 min readSep 8, 2017


Occasionally we celebrate the achievements of Scandinavian ABC startups by picking a new background picture to the webpage. We pick the picture from the archives of our entrepreneurs. The inside scoop is here.

The more analog side of Estonia, ‘the most advanced digital society in the world’.

This time we celebrate Badrap, the last born of Scandinavian ABC companies. And honourable mentions go to Estonia for inspiration. We took a trip to Estonia to meet with Hillar and work with the first public talk of Badrap.

What a perfect place to kick off Badrap. Estonia was one of the first countries to figure it out: water, electricity, gasoline, milk, bread — they all come from the Internet. If you don’t believe it, watch Hillar’s sound argument in the first 45 seconds of the video below.

Electricity comes from the Internet.

Later on that video Hillar explains the rationale for Badrap (six years before its incorporation). To keep the net secure, we need to keep the netizens secured — we’ve known that for some time. But when defending the infrastructure we have mostly treated the netizens as passive victims, or bystanders. As a result, there is not enough attention in that space.

Netizens are not passive victims who can only do something when the big brother helps. Think carefully: can you think of any large crisis, where the members of the society are not part of the solution? I can’t. Netizens are active actors, who need to be empowered. No excuses. If we like our water, electricity and other perks of our modern life, netizens need to be involved.

Badrap empowers the netizens. We (netizens) need to know we are not the ones exploited in attacks against others. We need to know if we are vulnerable — e.g. if we can be turned into attackers. Badrap will provide netizens with the tools to do just that. Don’t be an attacker!

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