If democratic socialism is so bad, why is Norway so great?

The Scandieland editors
Published in
1 min readJul 14, 2018
Illustrated | AndyEmel/iStock, Tatiana Mezhenina/iStock

Conservative US commentators like to hold up Venezuela as the quintessential socialist nightmare, but if socialism is so terrible why isn’t Norway a “hellscape”, asks The Week?

The fact is, when it comes to building a decent place to live, Norway is completely blowing America out of the water. So while conservatives have been pointedly ignoring the most obvious and relevant piece of evidence in their spittle-flecked tirades against socialism, Norwegians can and do point to the United States as an example of what happens when you let capitalism run wild — and with a great deal more justice.

Read the full story here.



The Scandieland editors

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