Analysing the future of Virtual Reality

Sai Krishna V. K
Published in
4 min readJul 20, 2018

Virtual reality is at an interesting juncture, skeptics are bearish more than ever and optimists are certain more than ever too. We’re not close to the Matrix just yet, but there seem to be compelling reasons to believe this is where we are headed. Let’s have a look at the sector-wise contribution of Virtual reality.

🧠 Mental Health

VR is now one of the primary treatments for the post-traumatic stress disorder. The treatment, Virtual reality exposure therapy, is carried out by a sessional confrontation of the patient to the traumatic incident. After a few confrontations, the brain slowly gets susceptible to the trauma and hence, helps in the cure. It has also been used to treat anxiety, phobias and depression. The technology of virtual reality can provide a safe environment to the patients for facing the things they fear, whilst remaining in a controlled and safe environment.

📕 Education

Learning a new language can be quite a task. However, for quite some time now, immersion techniques are being utilized to teach new languages. Virtual reality simulations can trick the brain into thinking that the experiences are real. Presently, various new language learning apps are being developed which uses the VR concepts. Applications such as Unimersiv when used with Oculus Rift allows the learners to connect with the people of different countries and grasp their dialect.

Experiments have been conducted by Google to understand the benefits of a VR training over the conventional training methods. It was then derived that, the students undergoing the VR training completed their assignment with far minimal errors than that of the conventional method.

⚒ Construction

For decades, human judgement & complex scales have been used as the main techniques for testing the viability of architectural designs. However, due to their incapability to understand or simulate the minute complexities of modern architecture, the virtual methods started becoming prevalent.

Virtual testing has made the designs viable, as they can be tested prior to the initiation of the real-time construction activities.

🍿 Entertainment

Virtual environment enables its users to engage with exhibits, monuments etc. that are not open to the public. A virtual environment is visualized by the VR glasses. The virtual reality glasses consist of stereoscopic lenses which allow the user to visualize the 3D objects at different angles. Pair it with an input device, for example, the data glove and it will allow you to interact with the different exhibits/monuments as well.

With the means of a tracking system (built into the glasses), the movements can be tracked and fed into a computer. The computer then responds by revising the images in front of the person to match the change in their perception and maintain realism. Thus the public can visualize the details of each structure!

Virtual reality is slowly but steadily making a stand-in various industries but the creation & utilization of a VR content isn’t consumer friendly yet.

👀 Lack of High-Quality Content

Creating realistic VR environments can be complex. However, the last few years, have seen significant improvements in the graphic processing capabilities of the VR enabled computers. While creating a VR content, it is essential to ensure a realistic experience and hence it’s important that the graphics generated are of good quality.

😲 Complex creation techniques

According to the results of a recent survey, we could conclude that the consumers feel the timeline for creation of a cross platform VR content is three to five years. Game engines like Unreal and Unity may solve the issue to an extent but the coding and memory involved in the development of the content hampers VR from being widely accepted.

💾 Memory involved

The memory requirements for virtual reality experiences vary drastically and demand high desktop level computing rigs and systems. These requirements create a huge setback for easy creation & distribution of virtual reality experiences.

The existing pre-requisites of building and sharing virtual reality experiences create major hindrance to its widespread utilization. Thus we are making it simpler!

Through Scapic, we are changing the perception of virtual reality content creation being a complex process. Build your VR experience and share it with the world through a simple link! Know more at

Create Immersive worlds, because in the future, we all might wonder how we did without them.




Sai Krishna V. K
Editor for

I write about possibilities in the Metaverse & productivity in the Meatverse ♦︎ Founder, Scapic (acquired by Flipkart)