Scapic ❤ Google Poly: How we integrated thousands of 3D objects over a weekend

Sai Krishna V. K
Published in
3 min readDec 22, 2017

Earlier this year, Google opened a new platform called Poly where people can find and distribute virtual and augmented reality objects.

The tool is integrated with Google Tilt Brush and Google Blocks, , and is meant to provide an art library for people building content for VR/AR.

This is a very important step for a few reasons:

  • It isn’t easy to build a virtual reality app, especially when it comes to filling out those immersive worlds. Even a semi-realistic world requires tons of objects, which isn’t always practical for a big portion of the world
  • There wasn’t a repository of accessible and quality content pieces for these new mediums
  • As virtual and augmented reality grow, the world needs more 3D. A lot more 3D than today
Google Poly launch video

Naturally, when Google Poly did launch, we held our collective breath at the Scapic offices in anticipation. This was the first step towards realizing and building these content access methods for more people to be involved in these technologies.

The team at Scapic quickly got to working on bringing the promise Google Poly onto our platform. It was especially tricky to integrate with visual scaling, real time object search and a few more finer aspects.

Today, we’re incredibly excited to announce that Scapic now has out-of-the-box Google Poly compatibility!

Go ahead and check it out at We’re excited by what y’all are going to build in these new worlds. You can build entire virtual worlds now. It literally takes a matter of minutes to get started. Don’t take our word for it, check it our for yourself.

What’s next for Virtual and Augmented Reality?

VR and AR are progressing towards mainstream consumer adoption faster than ever before. VR proved itself in 2017. The industry is expected to generate $2.2 billion this year, and there are three mainstream headsets on the market, a handful of popular devices for mobile VR and novelty first offerings across Walmart too. However, these numbers can’t compete with sales of mobile VR headsets like Google Cardboard, Daydream View or Samsung Gear VR. Google has shipped more than 10 million Cardboard headsets since 2014, and it’s estimated to have sold between 2 million and 3.5 million Daydream devices in 2017 alone. Meanwhile, Samsung is on track to sell as many as 6.7 million Gear VR headsets this year, according to analysts.

Expect everything to take a massive shift again. The second generation of VR is on its way, and there are a lot fewer cables involved. Standalone VR is the next step, removing the PC (or the smartphone, for that matter) from the equation entirely.

VR and AR are following different paths to the same conclusion: a combination of VR and AR that makes humans more intelligent, capable and informed. Google Poly is a step in the right direction to make these technologies progress and Scapic is an attempt at being the simplest possible way for you to get on board and create content for Virtual and Augmented Reality.

Go on. What are you going to make?
Create Immersive Worlds.

With ☕ and 💖,
The Scapic Team



Sai Krishna V. K
Editor for

I write about possibilities in the Metaverse & productivity in the Meatverse ♦︎ Founder, Scapic (acquired by Flipkart)