Photo by Fábio Alves on Unsplash

How To Be A Better Photographer

Newton Musyimi
Scarab Media
Published in
2 min readJun 16, 2017


There are many of you who are starting out as Photographers. Many of you went out and bought themselves a DSLR camera. Then you took to the internet to learn how the camera works or for some of you, you went through the entire manual and even took notes.

What you learned were the technical skills required to take a photograph such as ISO, White Balance (WB), Aperture, creative modes and the like. Equipped with this knowledge you convinced yourself that you are a photographer and went out and took multiple photos which you posted on your Instagram page.

After some time you realize that not many people are interested in your photographs and you wonder why. Well, here’s the why;your images are the same as the other guy using a DSLR or even a mobile phone. What you don’t realize is that photography is not all about pressing the shutter button when you feel like you have the shot. You have to develop the Photographer’s “eye”. How?

It is very simple. Just leave your camera at home and take a walk. Get to understand how people behave or how nature works. Don’t just look but instead study the people, examine how light strikes objects and creates shadows. Don’t be in a rush to snap on your DSLR. Remember that patience is a virtue. Do this for a few more days. This will enable you to take full advantage of your surrounding during your next shoot. Together with the technical knowledge that you had earlier acquired, you will be able to take more creative shots that will help you stand out from all the other DSLR folk.

Originally published at on June 16, 2017.



Newton Musyimi
Scarab Media

BSc. Computer Science and Information Systems Student