Two hands hold gummy worms over a white background.
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels


Calliope Woods
Scare me Please
Published in
Jan 9, 2021


“They’re harvested once they reach adulthood, but before they reach sexual maturity. We don’t want any eggs in consumers’ stomachs,” he said, pulling a multicolored worm out of the cadaver with a pair of tongs. “The process is all very efficient. They’re cleaned, bagged, sealed, and they suffocate soon after they leave the factory.”

“What if there is a hole in the bag?” the trainee asked.

“That rarely happens. Cellophane is surprisingly durable.” For emphasis, he produced a freshly sealed bag and held it out for the trainee to observe. The gummy worms were wriggling erratically in their death throes.

