@ Moment!!

Vartika Srivastava
Scars on Mirror
Published in
1 min readFeb 18, 2018

In that one moment you realize

What you need, what you don’t.

That one moment is enough!!

It’s not in the heart,

But the mind knows it all!

You may not accept it… but till when will you keep running ?

Is it even worth running?

You call it feelings but why?

Do you really feel ?

Or is it just the comfort that you share..?

Don’t you worry

For that moment will come soon

And when it comes

Then maybe you’ll know

Know the answers to all unanswered questions,

To every dilemma you have ever had

In that moment of realization

A new self will emerge

And then will you still be the same?

Will you be able to face yourself?

Will you be the same for them?

That one moment is enough to turn tables.

That’s the beauty of moments. Period.

