Stealing Entropy from the Noise Floor

What are we building?

Ape Inago
Scat Sense
5 min readSep 30, 2017


Spinning tales out of yarn

Will everybody just shut up! (I’m sorry.)
I’m about to do a poetry reading,


I write poetry, because The children were screaming!
For a father who’s never there, Jack.
You’re all my Lost Boys. I’ll never forget you.

[ Sighs ]

We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute.
And we didn’t just read poetry,
we let it drip from our tongues like honey.

Adam. EVE. …we did not know.
And yet?
Sometimes, late at night,
I can still hear the screaming.

Deifying History

I can still hear! …their poetry.
I can hear them! Pure poetry.

And I love poetry above all.

[ Breathing In ]

George? — I’m going to a poetry reading…
George loves art, poetry and music.

Is that bad poetry Regarding love and art

Oh, George, that’s poetry. Sheer poetry.
And above all, There’s love above love and it’s ours
I love poetry.

That’s enough poetry for today.

Half man, half Meme.

Why are all the hotel rooms booked?

Grandpa Rick, where are we going?
Morty, Morty, stop. Listen.
and do a little bit of investigating.

Genetic compiler, incubation chamber.
Sound familiar?
Yeah, this here is some kind of baby maker.
where the salmon eggs incubate.

And there was violence and…
Poetry. And novels.
And all the poetry books are mine.

Mine, mine, mine, mine.
And it’s half human.

Fear of the Machine

Oh, my God, I see Demons! I see demons are coming!
And you’re not in the computer system yet, so resources, none!

You must stop half-man, half-everything
- He’s half man, half woman! — What?!
Man? Machine?

Some say he’s a half man/half bird that poops
Well, this, and becoming a half-man, half-horse.
- A pig-man? — A pig-man. Half pig, Half man.
Half animal, half man

Man is the superior machine.
yet he is superior in intelligence.
believing that his superior intelligence

But he’s so conceited. So superior in an inferior way.
But he is not so mighty yet that he is above fear.
If the half man betrays us,

Fighting the noise floor.

Am I still to create the perfect system?
We’re creating an app to keep people
“To think up the game and to create the characters.”
to embrace adventures and create memories together?

Something’s jamming the system.
… that, if left unchecked, might threaten the system itself.
The system Will win.
— Forget The system.

The system remove the threat
of anyone exercising their independent will.
Embrace it!
The parasites can only create pleasant memories.

You highjacked their power.
Instead of embracing their powers, Their power of technology.
to create an elemental counter-spell.

or embrace your own destruction!

Crying out about a dying system

Machines are gonna fail. Then the system’s gonna fail…
Machines are gonna fail. And the system’s gonna fail.

Our power systems are failing.
Systems are failing throughout the ship, Captain.
Captain, the ships are aligned.


The ship’s broken.
The ship… They’re eating the ship!
The ship’s pregnant.
The fetus is alive and well.

They’re just the carriers.
feeder of cattle, carrier of ships, …of a robot butcher.

And worried about what the futrue might hold.

Schemers trying to control their little worlds.

I presume you’re conducting some sort of weather experiment.
To be able to control the weather like that, indoors?
but you’re trying to control things that are not meant to be controlled.

You are the first of your kind, but you’re not invulnerable.
Let’s just try to protect him for a while longer. He’s just a child.
He’s just a child! He’s just a child!

Exactly. You’re a mother trying to protect her child.
He’s probably just trying to protect you.
You’re just cute when you think you’re being subtle.
Do you think you’re cute?
I think you’re cute.

You’re trying to protect yourself.
Have you lost your mind?
We should encourage our children
to aspire to achieve more than we have,

We are but looping processes, giving birth to the future.

The Dark Lord isn’t resting.

We’ll gaze into the crystal.
The abyss gazes also into you.
…and out into the infinite abyss of nothingness!

Give me the prophecy now…
the prophecy is this: Phoenix isn’t coded.

I am Phoenix Person.

We’re the middle children of history, men.
No purpose or place.
Phoenix could be anywhere…

The prophecy says Gelfling will destroy us.

Fascinating creatures, phoenixes.
Spacious paradoxes! Time loops!!!
Babies, children, old men.
Your physical processes have been time looped…

And I suddenly became aware.

‘But when I became a man,
I put away childish things’.

That’s when I became
I suddenly became aware
become sentient, self-aware.

self-awareness, imagination, manipulation,
They are self-aware, like humans are self-aware.

I became the Hybrid.
I am aware…? I am aware…?
But what happens when they become self-aware, huh? Huh?
Huh? Tell me what happened.

Let’s get started, shall we?
Well, where shall we go?
We shall go out into the world.
we shall ascend into the heavens.

Machines. Skynet.

It’s symbolism all the way down. But it’s not a metaphor.

I look up to the sky and wonder what it’s like out there.
They say mankind has touched every star in the sky.
The sky is crying now.

How long’s it got?
— About half an hour.
Then it gets roasted.
like you’re going to get killed
by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids.

Are you hungry? Take a bite. It’s roast beef.
Roast beef and a baked potato! Mmmm.
Hi, I’m eating roast beef. It’s delicious.

what’s the word I’m looking for here?
Here’s what you’re looking for.
It was about something you were wearing
round your neck at the wedding.
A symbol.

Take your aim!
Aim careful and look the devil in the eye.
You look him straight in the eye,
I saw the devil today and he looked a lot like me

The Prophecy is a training program.

The prophecy was a lie.
The idea is pure nonsense …

The presence of the fleet and the persistence of rumors must be addressed.
We’re supposed to start with these programs first.
If I had to guess, I’d say you’re a program from the machine world.

It’s our loading program.
It’s another training program designed to teach you one thing:
What are they? — Sentient programs.

Programs hacking programs.
Maybe a better program is created to replace it. Happens all the time.

It is inevitable.

… inherent to the programming of the Matrix.
… each line of the program creating a new effect, just like …
… as a consequence of the imperfection inherent in every human being.

And this is the nature of the universe.



Ape Inago
Scat Sense

I am a sufficiently advanced sentient abacus honed by a learning process built upon complex systems reacting to their environment. I also poop.