Welcoming Speedboat and Laika to SCB 10X DeFi Launchpad

Unnawut L.
2 min readJan 11, 2022

At SCB 10X, we believe in the potential growth and the significance of blockchain and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) in shaping the future economy. As part of our effort to help grow and strengthen the ecosystem, we are launching the SCB 10X Launchpad program to support talented teams in building and expanding the blockchain and DeFi ecosystem at both local and regional levels.

Today we are excited to welcome Speedboat and Laika to the SCB 10X DeFi Launchpad incubation program.

What is SCB 10X DeFi Launchpad?

SCB 10X DeFi Launchpad is a 3-month incubation program that seeks to drive startups towards exponential and global growth in blockchain and DeFi space. The program started off with a pre-incubation hackathon in October 2021. As a result, three teams were given prizes for their participation, and the other two teams were invited to the incubation program.

During the 3-month incubation, the participating teams will receive supports in various areas, including technical, go-to-market, and fundraising consultation, knowledge sessions, networking, financial support, and office space (subject to the covid-19 situation). At the end of the 3-month program, the teams will be given the opportunity to present their progress, traction, and future roadmap for investment consideration and further collaboration.

This is only the beginning step in our drive for blockchain & DeFi adoption. We look forward to collaborating more in the DeFi ecosystem.

We are always on the lookout to support new and exciting teams all year round. To apply, reach out to us at launchpad@scb10x.com. Happy BUIDLing!

Learn more about the teams


Speedboat is an intuitive no-code metaverse tooling and infrastructure platform. Learn more about Speedboat at https://alpha.speedboat.studio/


Laika is a “Request Builder for Web 3.0” that helps developers make requests to smart contracts without a single line of code. Learn more about Laika at https://getlaika.app/

