Scenery has raised a $14.6M Series A and is launching an open Beta

Mike Folgner
Scenery Blog
Published in
2 min readJun 16, 2022

We are thrilled to share the news that Greylock, Craft, Figma Ventures, Night Ventures, and others have invested in Scenery to help us build our vision of creating a collaborative professional video editing suite for teams, on the web. We’re grateful to have Josh McFarland’s help on our board. FreestyleVC, Scribble, Precursor, Wireframe, Badrul Farooqi (Figma’s first PM) and Jason Toff (former Vine GM) participated. Insider has a nice write up of the round here.

After testing in closed alpha for 6 months, Scenery is now open for a public Beta (join here). We invite content creators, video editors, creative directors, marketers, and others to join Scenery and start creating with colleagues anywhere.

We are building Scenery to make video creation accessible and powerful for teams. Video editing is highly creative with multiple stakeholders, yet professional editing software is used individually on a desktop in a black box process. This has made it incredibly difficult for teams to collect assets, share projects, and iterate versions with feedback. Just as productivity tools such as Figma moved to the cloud and were re-built for teams, Scenery is built for collaboration and power, helping creative teams get from source to story faster. Creators can work together in real-time to storyboard and ideate concepts, upload and manage source media, then edit and iterate— all in one platform. Take a look:

We have been thrilled to see what creators have done thus far. A documentary film class used Scenery to organize and sequence a documentary film, a company created a recruiting video with their fully remote worldwide team, an agency has created political ads for TV and more. We’re inviting more creators to Scenery to join us on our journey to create a professional grade collaborative editing platform built for teams.

I’m grateful to have Josh on board to help guide the company, please read more about why he and Greylock invested here. Josh and I worked together at Twitter as founders of acquired companies (TellApart and SnappyTV). He impressed me as someone willing to dive in and help even when things weren’t going smoothly. He knows what it’s like to operate a new business and figure things out amidst uncertainty. I’m looking to learn from him and the Greylock team. The Figma team’s journey has been inspirational to us and we look forward to continuing to work with them. I’m excited to work with Jeff Fluhr, another excellent operator and trusted advisor, and Craft’s team of SAAS experts.

We’re thrilled to take this next step in our journey with our amazing extended team. Please sign up, create amazing content together, and come join us. We’re hiring!

