Instagram Locker Rooms Scandal.

Khushi Arora
Published in
4 min readMay 13, 2020

It’s been more than a week since the disclosure of these groups and now most of you already know about this latest scandal outed on Instagram named “bois locker room” followed by another “girls locker room”. For those who are’nt aware of the mishappening, this is what exactly happened — an Instagram group “bois locker room” was exposed where 14–15 years old adolescents were seen sexually objectifying women, making obnoxious comments about neither women’s nor girls’ but UNDERAGE girls and their body parts, and talking in an intolerable and offensive manner about shaming and molesting a girl straightforwardly without any fear or hesitation. Later, another group named “girls locker room” was seen succeeding the former one where some girls of the same age group were seen talking to each other in an obscene and disgusting manner.

When students from a few reputed schools in South Delhi and Noida are talking amongst themselves about underage girls in such wicked and vicious manner which is exceeding to such a level that it reaches to raping her, there is a serious question needed to be raised on our education system. What exactly is leading to evolve such thoughts in their minds? From the point where I evaluate this society, I find this to be a direct impact of patriarchy in the juvenile minds through households, media, stories, elder’s shared experiences, movies, and every other thing which leads to develop a person’s mindset and evolve a mind’s thought process.

And an even bigger problem is, the way people are reacting to this scandal exposed to let everyone know that such an intolerable behavior should be condemned in our society and this is completely illegal and inaccurate. Apparently, from various sources it is being said there are a few girls somehow involved in the “bois locker room” group who are not only supporting the others but also tried to defend and safeguard them on such an affair! and the fact that the succeeding group named “ girls locker room” didn’t get much recognition because the former was clearly more wrong and brutal in obvious ways. The only reason this happened was because in latter, people are seen talking in an obscene way with each other but no specific girl is being shamed or molested by them which didn’t cause any harm to a specific girl’s reputation, whereas in the former one there are direct references of objectification and raping of minor girls! Whereas the two groups are equally unacceptable and hazardous, only one of them got noted prominently, which doesn’t make the latter one any less wrong or offensive, both of them are intolerable and inhuman! People discussing this matter on Instagram and other social media platforms are whereas seeing this as a partiality done towards the two groups based on the gender classified in their names as well as considering the group members on the same point and calling out all those people who opposed to the former group to be biased and seeing this as an injustice to those people who are involved in the former group and standing for the #notallmen cry out yet again, without even realizing that this again brings support to the ones guilty in this case! Amongst all this, they all are missing the bigger picture here which is the wrong doings of people who were involved in this group at the first place, the underage girls who are being shamed in such ways without any fault of their own, the accountability of our society which somehow make such people think it is ok to abuse, it is ok to shame, and it is ok to rape. It is not you, but it is someone who has this mentality and is considering it an asset to pass on? Whether it be me, or any other female who considered “bois locker room” incorrect and criminal, it was regardless any gender discrimination, we considered the group, the group members, the people involved in it through any means, the people who ignored the mishap, the people who considered it wrong but didn’t say a word, the people who saw that and exited the group, the people who witnessed and didn’t take a stand for any of those girls, each and every one is wrong! Every boy and every girl who was involved at any point in that group or any such group which might be existing but not yet disclosed, is wrong! The girls involved in the “ girls locker room” group are equally guilty for not respecting and disgracing one other rather than standing up and looking out for their fellow females, but both the groups are different and cannot be compared, it is not very wise of those people who are being offended by the fact that the former group is criticized more than the other, there’s absolutely no point in that, both of them are wrong and we need to look out and take strict actions for any such group or any such nuisance behavior in further times.

