Panchkanya : Rouse from a history, sheltered in shame.

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5 min readMay 17, 2020

From Maithili Sharan Gupta’sअबला जीवन हाय तुम्हारी यही कहानी, आँचल में है दूध और आँखों में पानी।“ to Jaishankar Prasad’sनारी! तुम केवल श्रद्धा हो” the life of a woman always tangled in between. Women is believed to be the foundation stone of this society but the very next moment we never fail to challenge our words. Every human society is invariably characterised by social differentiations. Gender based differentiation is one. Men had the role of earning and women had the role of reproduction of heirs and home making.
Panchkanya also known as the five virgins, as a group of five iconic heroines of Hindu epics,extolled in a hymn and whose names are believed to dispel sin when recited. Between each Panchkanya the common theme are each of them suffered a tragedy at the hands of their men in their lives,but despite being used they continued to battle life and society. Each of the Kanya is a victim of patriarchy, but in their loss lies the strength of a survivor.
These five ladies were venerated as ideal women and chaste wives, these were, Draupadi from Mahabharata while Ahalya, Tara, Mandodari and Sita are from epic Ramayana.

Ahalya- Wife of Rishi Gautam was an epitome of beauty, was molested and humiliated by Indra devta who was disguised as Rishi Gautam. Without any fault of her’s she was entitled to shame and guilt , she was cursed to become a Shila(rock) and Indra devta was cursed to carry his shame in form of a thousand vulvae on his body ,but later, the vulvae tirned into eyes as he bathes in the Gautami. Rama later rescued Ahalya, restored her to original form back from Shila. Ahalya for no reason was exposed to shame and humiliation in which she harboured in this society.
Tara - She was king Bali’s wife. Bali just to show off his strength and power ousted his brother Sugreev from the Kingdom and forcibly kept his wife with him . Later, Lord Rama killed Bali and sent Tara to Sugreev’s kingdom to look after it. Tara without any of her faults was widowed for sins of Bali,as he was killed, but again the one who was entitled to sacrifice and still was kept to stand strong was that woman who all her life struggled to make her husband’s life better.
Mandodari - The queen of consort of Ravana, the king of Lanka. After Rama killed Ravana , she was made Vibheshan’s wife, Vibheshan was the brother of Ravana and was the backbone of Vibheshan’s kingdom as she looked after it thereafter. Mandodari always tried to keep Ravana away from his evil deeds, dedicated all her life as epitome of true better half. But what was she entitled to ? To be Ravana’s wife praying for his welfare , acting always in his favour and then out of none of her faults was made Vibheshan’s wife after Ravana’s death. Was this easy for her as an individual to pray, to praise one for years and then the next moment to be called someone else’s.
Sita - When I come across the question that why always burden of proof is on woman’s side, I never can resist myself from recalling Sita , no, not when Sita maa was asked to give agni pariksha but yes when even after walking through all circumstances along with Lord Rama from exile for 14 years to leaving Ayodhya and moving to Valmiki’s ashram even without any fault of hers but just for the sake of Rama’s respect among his subjects, And after all what she got in return,were just ample of questions on her chastity,loyalty and integrity. What next? Yes, she descended alive into the depths of the Earth. Yes, the epitome of gentleman, King and son, Maryada Purushottam failed as an ideal husband. Why everytime a woman? Why is it so? Chastity, character, integrity, loyalty do these things only belong to a woman??
Draupadi - One of the most important character of Mahabharata, she was wife of the five Pandavas . Just to Kunti’s words ,Draupadi spent her whole life exercising duty equally for all her husbands. She was remembered for her ego while her husband were praised for their valor, she was humiliated by force but portrayed as the cause of war, she was Pandavas strongest and greatest weapon . Yes, She was a "Warrior with an armor ".
All these women and many more from history till date, are sanctioned to many sacrifices, pain ,blames,sufferings and curse without any reason. Social evils have catalyzed the deterioration of women’s positions in society. These warriors , epitome of perfection rouse from history but were always entitled to shame and humiliation, though very late got recognition for their sacrifice but were truly the women who spent their lives proving themselves. Are sacrifices, pains , guilt , curse all burdened to be proven by women?? Why always questioning to validate their existence rather acceptance to their existence just?!
Not a feminist as all, but yes I like being a strong women - powerful and independent in true sense. I resist losing control over my emotions. I firmly believe that every person should hold dignity and self worth,life may hit you hard ,but never stop your personality from maintaining it. True personality is one of the most seductive thing you own and , integrity, loyalty and character have always been its base but surely not sanctioned to be proven. Everytime I saw someone being asked to prove their innocence after an allegation, its shattering, because the people who questions are often the people whom we call 'ours’, Sadly, every then I feel pseudo culprit being questioned from an obviously fake victim. Whenever talking about equality in society none of us can deny the fact that it still remains patriarchal, I firmly believe true equality will start the day people will learn acceptance to existence rather questioning its validity.

