Ashutosh Pandey
Published in
4 min readMay 3, 2020


PART 1: Introduction to IOT

Internet of things (IoT) is basically networking of physical electronic devices in order to sense the interactions with respect to surrounding. IoT helps people to live smartly, as well as to have complete control over their lives. IoT enable companies to automate processes and reduce employee work. At present near about 20 billion devices are connected to IoT. In near future we will see IoT everywhere.

What is the history of IoT ?

The concept of network of smart devices was first given in 1982, at Carnegie Mellon University with a Coca cola vending machine which was able to tell that whether the stored drinks were cold or not.

The term Internet Of Things was given by Kevin Ashton as an employee of Procter & Gamble, later MIT’s Auto ID center in 1999, though he prefers to say Internet For Things. According to him, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID’s) is essential to the Internet Of Things, which will allow computers to manage things independently.

MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor), which was invented by Mohamed M. Atalla and Dawon Kahng at Bell labs in 1959, is a major component behind Internet Of Things. It is basic building block of the most modern electronics. MOSFET miniaturization has reduced the power consumption, multicore processor technology, and SIO device fabrication, leading it to nano-electronic levels with reducing energy consumption.

The idea of adding sensors and devices was brought up between 1980’s and 1990’s. Before that, chips were too big and bulky and connectivity was also not so developed. After the introduction of RFIDs, low power chips that can communicate easily, complexity was reduced. Day-by- day the cost of devices and sensors is decreasing, making it cheaper and more affordable. Experts predicted that one day the basic functionality of IoT could cost as little as few cents.

IoT is now filling our homes, workplaces and surroundings with smart devices, making our life easy. Because of IoT, today we have nearly everything on our fingertips.

Is IoT Secure?

Honestly no, because all those sensors that we use, are collecting data on everything we do. Therefore, the IoT is a potentially vast privacy and secure headache. As an example, take the smart home, it can tell when you wake up, when you step out of your home, who visits your home, and so on. It is easy to make a detailed picture of you. Some companies make money by selling your data.

The Internet Of Things and Big Data

The Internet of Things is an opportunity that enables interaction between machines and humans (M2H), and machines and machines (M2M). It has enough scope for improvement until now. The sensor-generated data are fed to the big data system for analysis and final reports are generated out of it. Hence, this is the main point of inter-relation between the two technologies.

The intersection of the Internet of things and big data has created new IT challenges regarding

· data storage

· integration

· analytics

However, it has created many opportunities than challenges. IoT is projecting a future of $19 trillion markets for the internet industry which opens will open up a scope of more R&D in both IoT and big data.

The Internet Of Things and Cloud

The IoT has enabled the new concept of the internet network. It enables interaction between several objects like:

· Smart devices

· Sensors

· Chipsets and many more

Using IoT with cloud computing have multiple advantages:

· Using cloud, IoT developers can store unlimited data and access it remotely and easily.

· The IoT enabled devices can get important security updates frequently through cloud as soon as any security threat happens. This relation of IoT and Cloud is a vital parameter for user security.

· Cloud enables the devices to process data quickly and make decisions as soon as possible.

· Till the end of this year, almost 5 trillion GB of data will be stored on cloud. Therefore, it is required to minimize this huge pressure. Cloud computing provides scalability and adequate performance inn operating such huge data.

· As soon as the IoT generates a huge data, the cloud processes it and gives it a way to navigate to user.

