Published in
5 min readMay 24, 2020


Peace and Acceptance: From rush to hush !

When my mind is like a battlefield
And my heart is overcome by fear
And hope seems like a ship that’s lost at sea
My enemies on every side
And I’m tempted to run and hide
Your gentle whisper reaches out to me,
When it’s a call that is high, yes, that gentle whisper reaches out to me. Lost in this chaotic world,craving peace?Driven by desires to breathe deep and fresh, a state of being calm and cool, when heart smiles and eyes observe a better sight, when moments is to live, to feel the essence right?
Emerging as one of the biggest issues is lack of peace in individuals. Lush of the rush is so much that we have forgotten to prioritize our mental health, our health, things that calm us down. Everytime it’s a call for peace, it’s some of the lack in our acceptances. Just like peace is directly proportional to our happiness it is majorly dependent on our acceptances, and acceptance is something that requires sacrifice at times. Thoughts, belief, faith, love these certain things are personal still are deprived from acceptance. True peace is about looking yourself in the mirror everyday, and not feeling guilty about anything. It is about being happy with what you have, and not being pricked by jealousy on seeing others having more. It is about feeling the joy of life, and sharing the joy by helping others. Thinking about people who barely count for us we sacrifice our desires that drive us to happiness.
Society has always been a pack of judgemental hands raised up high that are hindrance to free spirits. There are certain things we can change in our life, but there are also things that we cannot change. If we keep worrying about them we lose our peace, but if we accept them, they stop being important, and we stop worrying about them. What we cannot change and cannot influence no matter what, should not be of concern to us. People tend to focus and think about things which they have no control over. Why worry about something that worry will not change? Why care about what other people think of us, when we are not even sure what they are thinking about? We must learn to accept what cannot be changed and you will experience inner peace. I am not telling you to be passive and stop acting in the world. Change what you can. Improve what you can. Sometimes, acceptance is temporary, until we know more, learn more and reach a stage, where we can change and improve certain situations that you could do nothing about before. Once we open our mind to acceptance, and start accepting what we cannot change, we automatically relieve ourself of much stress, anxiety and worry. Remember, acceptance leads to inner peace, and inner peace is real freedom to happiness. Acceptance to what we are, acceptance to what we like, to what makes us happy, acceptance to the evil sides, acceptance to resist to things that harm our mental peace. Isn’t this world too judgmental to supress us from being what we actually are! Sad no? Basically the prettiest girl when standing in front of the mirror tries to find flaws in her beauty rather accepting herself to be prettier than many other. One who is sufficiently rich is dying making some more money and so does a poor. There are people out their having different identities entirely out of none of their faults are humiliated for what they are , isn’t this the scenario with the LGBTQIA community?
Often we don’t lead ourselves because we want to rather we push ourselves because society- a heck of so called intellects want us to do so. Indulged so much in flaws that we have forgotten accepting us the way we are , about what makes us happy rather striver! Thinking out about everybody else we’ve actually given up on what we are. As perfectly quoted by Veda Vyasa: The happiness which comes from long practice, which leads to the end of suffering, which at first is like poison, but at last like nectar - this kind of happiness arises from the serenity of one’s own mind.

Accepting things as they are requires giving up how we believe they should be. Just beneath the loss, the pain of grief awaits. Are you willing to grieve the loss of something precious? Maybe you’ve lost a relationship. Perhaps you’ve lost your mobility or youth. You may feel the loss of opportunities gone by. Perhaps you lost the childhood you always wished for. These are painful losses. So often, we fight off the grief by refusing to accept. On the other side of grief, acceptance comes naturally.
Sometimes refusing to accept is a subconscious set up. For example, let’s say the person you are with is a lying, cheating jerk who hurts you. You forgive and forget. He does it all again. You forgive. He does it more. You look the other way. He keeps doing it. Ten years go by and you are now living in constant emotional rejection, as you continue to hope for change. Self-sabotage. This is where negative psychological attachments can run your life. Dealing with your attachment to control, deprivation and rejection is the key.
Emotional maturity has very, very little to do with age. If you lack the ability to accept when and where you need to, you may lack maturity. 
Eckhart Tolle said " Accept - then act. Whatever the present moment contains accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it... This will miraculously transform your whole life" On the contrary it must always be kept in mind as said by, Lecrae " If you live for people’s acceptance you will die from their rejection"
Acceptance should always be to what we personally feel and face not to what others feel for us. There is nothing that acceptance cannot heal, time may leave apart certain scars but acceptance to things will never it’ll never fail to turn person into a happy soul.

I’m not perfect. I say stupid things, infact act stupid, weird and carefree at times. I laugh when I’m not supposed to. I’ve scars left by people who did me wrong. I’m little crazy and probably won’t change. But that doesn’t means that I’m worthless I owe my own specialities and this in total makes me what I am, I accept my lacking just the way I accept my achievements, at the end of the day they are what makes me acceptable to myself. It should be the same for all of us and this surely will lead to peace, then it’ll be a drive completed- to fresh and deep breathe, to a state of mind that is cool and calm, when heart will smile and eyes will observe a better,brighter sight, when moment will be to live, to feel the essence right !!

