Sakshi Saxena
Published in
2 min readMay 30, 2020

“ Madness is like gravity, all it takes is a little push “ Generally, offenders see the world as a chess board where the people are like paws to be pushed around at will. Criminal psychology or criminology basically defines why a person commits a crime and why they behave in a particular way.

The choice where people get fascinated and they seek to make decisions for the pleasure of themselves or when they fail to achieve a certain kind of expectation anxiety and as a result of that they are unable to get access to the wide opportunities available to them, crimes are committed. Some of them make a conscious choice of whether to commit a crime or not while others do it subconsciously. Just as we can’t choose our genetics, we can’t choose to develop our brain.

The criminals are not ‘ mentally ill ‘ and should not be treated as ‘ victims of poverty, racism and broken homes ‘. Often there are kids who have scars of denial and depreciation for life, but not all of them commit crimes. The offenders are often heard that they have been rejected by family, neighbors and relatives but rarely a criminal says why was he rejected. Even as a child he was cunning and resistant, the older he grew the more he lied. They all see it with the same opinion.

Their mental health, drugs, racism, anger, politics, parental neglect, depression, media, pressure, society, unemployment.
An offender picks a particular person, at a particular time, at a particular place with a particular motive, in a particular manner and all these things tell you about the offenders skills and abilities.
The location he chooses might be a place away from town where the only eye witnesses are dogs and cows or a busy street where in a minute can be thousands of such witnesses.
The choice of weapons, whether he uses a gun to shoot from a distance or a knife by getting close enough.
The organized offender comes with all the necessities and then takes them away, he knows what to do, how to do and when to do whereas an unorganized offender are impulsive, may be leaving their stuff behind.

Our brain is like a sponge it absorbs everything whatever you see in your environment may it be movies, crime patrols, news or any sort of investigation, your mind starts taking clues and hints, though it is not born as a criminal mind but it starts initiating the process of learning, you start grasping things. We all are different with different personalities with different thoughts. Moreover, no one is born criminal; it’s the circumstances that make one so.



Sakshi Saxena

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