Khushi Arora
Published in
2 min readMay 6, 2020


STUCK at home?

#quarantinesucks #wanttotravel #cravingmountains #missmydays

Aren’t most of these some trending hashtags on your feed? Don’t you witness Instagram stories and Facebook updates of people you know showing how bored they are at their houses, and how eager are they to go outside as soon as this is over, even when they’re aware of the pandemic occurring at this time? How often has this happened in your life or even your father or grandfather’s lives that they might’ve seen an emergency like this, where the entire world is literally shutting down?

What people need to understand is, they aren’t locked inside their house to get pressurized to test their productivity or renew their skills, but most importantly to stay alive! There’s literally a zombie crisis going on in the world and what people are worried about is not being able to complete their luxurious routine? I know it must not be an idea of happiness for the most of you to realize what others don’t have but you do, and getting a sense of fulfillment with it, but in this situation, can you really not see the conditions people are going through in the rural areas or the problems faced by the labour class, and feel blessed for yourself?

Not complaining about it and supporting the government on the decisions made is the least we all should be doing! Do you realize that India being the second most populated country in the world with a population of 138 crores has reported only approximately 45,000 covid-19 cases so far, whereas US with a population of just 32.82 crores and being one of the smartest and most advanced country has already reported around 1.16 million covid-19 cases out of the total 3.4 million cases altogether! And in terms of medical facilities available, Italy being one of the most developed country in the field, has been going through a disastrous crisis during this whole time! You really don’t get how well managed this situation is in our country? All the decisions made by the government related to shutting the whole country down on such a short notice, even when the economy will have a huge suffering due to it, the government acting on this situation so efficiently and timely, has kept this situation so much under control for India! The sole and only purpose for this “lockdown” is to save our lives! We’re not stuck at home, but safe there and we need to face this situation at any note, our happiness or misery is not what matters here, but our survival does!

