Teenage Offence: a Mischief or a Crime?

Vidushi Dwivedi
Published in
4 min readMay 14, 2020

The most pure, perfect and innocent time spent in a human life is the childhood. Children are the reflection of the purest energies out there and their souls are the seeds that will grow into tall and strong trees but what these trees endure for us, flowers of love and support, or the thorns of hatred and violence, depends upon the way they are nurtured.

There was a time when this innocent lasted till the age of 16–18. Then, a child used to have strong connections with their family and friends. Also, the boundaries for a child’s knowledge towards the adultery used to be limited. It was the time when the cases of childhood depression and aggression were seldom heard.

Today, the terms like childhood depression, teenage violence, fake feminism, etc have became a common trend and are increasing with the passing seconds. The newspapers are inked all over with the cases of rapes and violence. In the past few weeks, social media has witnessed the hype of the cases like ‘Bois Locker Room’, ‘Girls Locker Room’ and ‘Manav Singh’s suicide’. Everyone wanted to know the truth behind these heinous acts. Long speeches were made, strong arguments were put up and once again the topic was converted into a hot subject for the fight of actual feminism and the fake feminism. In this whole picture everyone was concerned about ‘what happened’ and ‘who did it’ but no one questioned that ‘why they did it’, after all they were just immature children. It is not to promote that what they did was right in any way, it is just a reminder to question our own selves that why the innocence is being ruined and tampered with.

With the advancement of technology, anything and everything is accessible to everyone. Children have access to all the forbidden truths of life but they do not know the harm they can induce on someone’s life by their actions. In the current decade, children gain knowledge regarding sexual pleasures at a young age of 13–15 and it is time that the society should accept this truth. This knowledge acquired by children is mostly through the websites and entertainment industry and thus, they learn what they see but are still immature and do not have a proper understanding of these acts. These children believe that even if someone is saying a ‘no’ and is protesting against it, they will start to find ecstasy after a while.

The teenage depression has a lot of factors and one of the supreme one is this incomplete knowledge. In the present scenario, children of 13 are worried about their relationships, they are afraid of the fact that they will be laughed upon by their friends if they would not have a girlfriend or a boyfriend. They are having no knowledge of the purity of love and just fall for the attractions because of their bodily needs. They try to find ways to satisfy their testosterone and progesterone even if that has an adverse effect on some other person. This drama causes a lot of emotional tension and these pretty souls find themselves burdened resulting in depression. This depression is the root of teenage aggression and bullying.

The question arises that how can we control it? Can we create a boundary for these children to protect their innocence? The answer is NO. The times have changed explicitly and now anyone cannot control their reach to these resources. It is time that every parent should realize and accept the fact their children at the age of 13–15 are not unaware of these things rather they need proper and complete knowledge about them.

The children should be educated at the school regarding all what they go through during puberty. The school should give special attention to the moral education of these students and should talk about these issues openly. These lessons about ‘the importance of consent’, ‘the purity of love’, ‘ the control over body and its need’ should be served to these youngsters. They should understand that their single action can haunt a person for his/her whole life so that when they even think about it, their inner light should say a big ‘NO’ to them and should stop them from committing a crime.

Robert Bishop said,’ Innocence is like a polished armor; it adorns and defends’ but today there is a stage between the innocence and maturity that needs to be understood and dealt with, as said by Frederick Lenz, “In addition to innocence, we need to have a knowledge of good and evil”. It is the only way to preserve their innocence and draw line between mischief and crime.

