Kanushree Agarwal
Published in
5 min readMay 7, 2020

It is estimated that 35% of women have experienced either physical partner violence or non partner violence at some point in their lives. Approximately million adolescent girls (aged 15 to 19) worldwide have experienced forced sex. Globally, one out of three students (aged 11 and 13 to 15 years) have been bullied by their peers at school at least on one day in the past month, with girls and boys equally likely to experience bullying.

Sexual abuse also referred to as molestation is abusive sexual behavior by one person upon another. When force is immediate or of infrequent it is sexual assault. There are many myths and untruths about sexual assault and sexual abuse. These myths can make it hard for people to recover because they tend to blame the victim and defend the perpetrator.

Many of you come across the myths that I am going tell you. They are –

· Women who wear short and revealing clothes are asking to be sexually assaulted. No one asks or deserves to be sexually assaulted. They dress to feel beautiful and comfortable not to invite others. It is the perpetrators who are responsible for their own actions.

· If a woman is out alone at night and is being sexually assaulted it is her mistake. What if she is raped in day in her own house?

· Many of them say women are hard to get and are not open to their words so if she says “NO” that can be yes. Fact is “NO IS ALWAYS NO.”

· A women was having alcohol and drugs so she was asking for being sexually assaulted. Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol can prevent a person’s consent so it is a crime to have sex without any consent.


A movie named “GUILTY” which is a perfect example of a single women who was raped and stood against truth. No one believed her because she liked the boy who raped her. It was their cultural night she wore revealing clothes and was drunk also. She went with that boy to the room and was raped, then she asked help of college principal to file the complaint. Rapist’s family gave her money to keep her quiet and save their reputation. As she belonged to a middle class family so no one trusted her. They believed that she is doing this for money. Later on, a girl only stood for her to prove her right.

Nowadays people got a new away to assault others , that is , body shaming. Did you ever stop and think about how often we are told to change our appearances? Magazines, YouTube are constantly offering tips “to gain weight” , “to lose weight” and hide our imperfections. Body shaming is a type of sexual abuse by continuously passing comments on some aspect of physical appearance and criticizing others.

We often criticize others by passing comments “see how fat she is , look at her figure , look at her breasts”. Not only boys pass comments but nowadays girls equally take part with boys. Now everyone got a good way to criticize others , that is , social media. Few days back , we got to know about two groups. One was boys locker room and the other was girls locker room, both the groups were about passing vulgar comments to under-aged girls and boys.

On this point no one would be blaming boys for uploading their pictures but would blame girls for uploading pictures in revealing clothes. Our generation understand that it was the mistake of boys and girls who made the group not the mistake of victim but what about the people with old mentality they will only blame girls. My point here is not becoming a feminist by supporting women but to make aware about others mentality.

Many a times it happens that when a woman is travelling alone , she is wearing full clothes, even her face is covered then also she is being sexually assaulted and many of them goes daily with some vulgar comments like “ aye! Chammak challo kidhr chali “ , “ idhar bhi dekh le na” , “chalo hum chor dete hai” and many more. Many of the girls come up with the comments worse than this. Then if you stand against them they threaten you and you need to remain silent. Now she is wearing proper clothes then why is she being molested mentally?

Do boys go with the fear of that if they wear this, then they need to wear something over it. Being a man you can go anywhere you want and can wear anything. Being a girl you have fear of getting touched at private places, criticized for wearing short clothes.

I would also say not every girl deserves the rights provided by government. Around 5–10% of the women misuse these rights. I came across an article where a girl socially molested a boy and blamed him for raping her without any proof. Being mentally disturbed he did suicide. This type of girls take advantage of that everyone will believe them.

Nowadays, scenario is that two girls don’t trust each other that they could share their problems. One woman is strength of another woman and we should trust each other and support each other.

Maybe if I would not have been alone,

Maybe if I would have been at home,

Maybe if my dreams would have been small,

Maybe if I would not have worked that long,

Maybe if I would have not been born!!

But now I know that wasn’t my fault!!!

You are the one who deserves the blame,

It wasn’t my dreams but your small brain.

Every woman should be the support of another woman so that no other girl blame their dreams when they are sexually assaulted. Each and every woman should be strong from inside and stand against wrong despite thinking of reputation. Victim is not responsible if she is wearing short clothes, person who is sexually assaulting her is responsible for seeing her in that way. Support each other and stay strong. Keeping aside rivalries always support another woman and be their strength.

Women should be there for other woman. Also, every woman should understand the importance and grievances of such acts and should never accuse a man wrongly. If they are given the power, then they should use it for the good of humanity rather than suppressing the opposite gender.

