How to Schedule Messages on iOS and Android: A Comprehensive Guide

Robert Keus
Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2024
Photo of an old stopwatch.

In today’s fast-paced world, staying on top of communication can be a challenge. Fortunately, scheduling messages on your smartphone can help manage this. This article covers various methods to schedule messages on both iOS and Android devices, including third-party apps like Scheduled App and native iOS shortcuts.

Scheduling Messages on iOS

1. Using Shortcuts App

iOS doesn’t natively support message scheduling, but you can use the Shortcuts app to create an automation for this purpose. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Shortcuts App: Find it pre-installed on your iOS device.
  2. Create a New Shortcut: Tap the ‘+’ icon.
  3. Add Action: Choose ‘Send Message.’
  4. Set Up Message: Type the message and add recipients.
  5. Schedule the Shortcut: Select the time and date for sending the message.
  6. Save and Exit: Name your shortcut and save it.

Note: This method requires confirmation before sending the message at the scheduled time. You can use the Scheduled app to automate iOS Shortcuts.

2. Third-Party Apps: Scheduled App

Another option is to use third-party apps like the Scheduled App (available at

  1. Download the App: Get the Scheduled App from the App Store.
  2. Set Up Your Message: Choose a recipient and type your message.
  3. Schedule It: Pick the date and time for the message to be sent.
  4. Notifications: The app will notify you when it’s time to send the message. You’ll need to confirm to send it.

Scheduling Messages on Android

Android devices offer more native options for scheduling messages.

1. Built-in Messaging Apps

Many Android phones come with a message scheduling feature in their default messaging app.

  1. Open Messaging App: Use the default app on your phone.
  2. Compose a Message: Start a new message.
  3. Tap on More Options: Usually represented by three dots.
  4. Choose ‘Schedule Message’: Set the time and date.
  5. Send: The message will be automatically sent at the scheduled time.

2. Third-Party Apps

If your default messaging app doesn’t support scheduling, third-party apps can fill the gap.

Using Scheduled App on Android

  1. Download and Install: Find the Scheduled App in the Google Play Store.
  2. Compose and Schedule: Similar to the iOS process, compose your message and set the schedule.
  3. Manual Sending: You’ll be notified when it’s time to send the scheduled message.


Scheduling messages can significantly improve your communication efficiency. Whether using native solutions on Android, the Shortcuts app on iOS, or third-party applications like the Scheduled App, you have multiple options to ensure you never miss sending an important message again. Remember, while third-party apps offer more flexibility, they often require manual intervention to send messages at the scheduled time.

