Here’s how you can increase your lifespan by 10 years!

Kshitij Chaudhari
Schillings Air
Published in
3 min readSep 22, 2020

We usually think of air pollution as being outdoors, but the air in your house and office could be equally or more polluted than outdoors. Indoor air pollution is a major environmental and public health challenge in developing countries. We spend 90% of our time indoors. According to data from WHO, more than 4 million people died worldwide in a single year as a result of this. (Source: Energypedia)

Presently due to the ongoing pandemic, we are forced to stay indoors and thus the air quality inside should be improved otherwise IAP(Indoor air Pollution) may lead to severe health problems.


  • Cooling and Heating devices
  • Draft air from outdoors
  • Household products such as deodorants, pesticides and cleaning products.
  • Gases such as radon and carbon monoxide emitted from the cooking.
  • Furniture, carpets, any paints, etc.
  • Pet Dander, Pollen, allergens, and viruses
Credits: Green Network Energy


According to WHO, exposure to household air pollution is a major risk factor leading to acute lower respiratory problems in children under five, and ischaemic heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer in adults. Also, the smoke from burning biomass causes eye irritations. (Source: Energypedia)

Exposure to particulate matter has short term effects such as nose, throat and lung irritation, coughing, sneezing, runny nose and shortness of breath as well as more severe effects on the respiratory system such as pneumonia and asthma. Exposure to indoor air pollution more than doubles the risk of pneumonia.


  • Open windows as adequate ventilation are key to promoting healthy indoor air.
  • Ban smoking as cigarette smoke leads to various respiratory problems.
  • Use exhaust fans to remove cooking fumes and bathroom steam.
  • Avoid burning anything as it releases soot and smoke.
  • Avoid scented candles, incense sticks as it can trigger asthma.
Credits: Asthma and allergy foundation of america


The most effective way to improve your indoor air is by using air purifiers. Research shows that filtration can be an effective supplement to source control and ventilation. Top grade HEPA air purifiers remove near about 99% contaminants-virus and bacteria, particulate air pollution(PM2.5) and other impurities. Air Purifiers improve respiratory health as they capture a large number of allergens and dust particles.

In a year-long, randomized, parallel-group study, Francis, measured the clinical outcomes for the use of indoor HEPA air cleaners of 30 adult asthmatics who were sensitized to, yet lived with an indoor cat or dog.[38] Primary endpoints in combined asthma outcomes (bronchial reactivity and treatment requirements) were statistically improved in the treatment group over the controls. (Source: NCBI)

Schillings Air is a trustable source which introduces first of its kind air purifier at the commercial and industrial level and introduces you to the technology that reduces annual maintenance requirement to once a year as compared to once a week as compared to normal air purifiers and also is the most cost-effective than any other brand with similar technology.

Credits: Dr Jockers



Kshitij Chaudhari
Schillings Air
Editor for

Growth intern at SchillingsAir | Student at IITKGP