Design Scalability: Why is scalability so important in software design

Schindler Creations
Schindler Creations
5 min readJul 7, 2021

Developing software is not a straightforward procedure, regardless of whether it’s for mobile or web. Until painting the big picture, it requires taking multiple concerns into account. One of these critical factors is scalability.

Scalability can not be treated as an ‘optional’ feature to be added only if funds permit. Instead, it represents a mandatory software capability. Developing a scalable app does not apply to a special method of creation of any kind. It refers to a collection of principles and practices for building a high-quality app.

Apps should have an exceptional user interface with brilliant visualisations, a short loading period, an improved product life cycle, and, importantly, a positive contribution to the overall brand profile.

Our experienced team at Schindler Creations starts in the early stage of every project evaluating carefully the needs of the users by special methods. Though we meet all the principles and practise for a high quality app and assure system’s further maintenance and evolution.

Eventually we create holistic user experiences that deliver exciting new business opportunities.

Before highlighting why scalability is essential and how to achieve design scalability, let’s see what scalability really means.

What is software design scalability?

To be called scalable, the software needs to support any rise in work and manage development comfortably. The value of software design scalability does not become noticeable until later down the road where an organization needs a higher degree of software operations.

Building scalable applications from the very beginning is a way to guarantee that, regardless of the evolving market needs, the software can remain functional and unchanged. If the application has not been designed to be scalable, the results will probably become evident at a later stage. As the application progresses and becomes more crucial in business operations, more and more challenges will arise.

For instance, the software may start to experience slower load times and run at the risk of data loss as the amount of data stored increases. Additionally, unscalable apps can not support a growing company’s needs. Unscalable software may also put a limit on the number of customers because the software can become unusable as a company expands. New software can also be pricey, so you want to make sure that when you develop software for your company, it is something that can be used in the long run.

The entire point of scalability is to ensure that your user experience, regardless of the number of people accessing the app, is unchanged. High customer loyalty should be the main objective of the staff at the end of the day.

Also, having a scalable app means having a cost-effective app. If the costs are growing more significantly than the customer base, your application would not be considered scalable. The best scenario would be that you should be able to handle more users for a marginal rise in costs.

Here are some things to consider for scalable software design:

Scaling out vs. scaling up

You can have software that scales out or scales up.

Scaling up means adding more capacity, like adding more RAM to the current processor. Scaling out, on the other hand, means adding more machines to the network to improve power.

One of the fundamental differences between the two principles is that scaling outbreaks a sequential piece of logic into smaller bits. This makes it simple for them to be implemented in parallel by many devices. While horizontal scaling increases the expense initially, it offers more long-term advantages, such as improved system availability. What’s more, since it’s stored in the cloud, you don’t have to provide greater hardware capacity.


It’s crucial to map down the foundation. You need to figure out the features that you want to introduce into your offering in the long term. It doesn’t have to be a complicated scheme, but the variables for creating certain features need to be understood.

In the first iteration, you don’t have to create the full potential of the software. Release a minimum viable product, and from there, start increasing capacity. You do, however, need to design the architecture and structure with great scalability to adapt it to changes and updates.

Code and framework

It is frequently overlooked to write careful and clean code. However, this is an important factor when it comes to software design scalability. A high-quality code entry produces a longer-lasting output. This suggests that it would be easier to replicate and verify in the future because a code is well thought of. In most programmers’ eyes, clean coding is easy and readable.

The framework you select and the way you run your environment are essential variables for your applications’ scalability. While your needs and market trends should direct the judgment, there are proven track records on scalability in particular runtime contexts.

Several variables can influence the choice of the programming language for your app. Some of the best alternatives for a highly-scalable app include Ruby on Rails, .NET, LAMP, and MEAN.


The software is intended to last long and to be viable for a considerable amount of time. In scalable software design, we at Schindler Creations also invest in resources to maintain the app healthy and quality. When necessary, you have to upgrade parts to ensure that it performs properly. Use different frameworks and resources to help you track your software and choose the ones that work best for your particular app. Try finding tools that can automate this entire process for you.

Building software for the future

It is really beneficial to integrate scalability into your new software. Firstly, scalable apps will save you a lot of resources in the long run. Any time your company undergoes a transition, you eliminate the need to scrap and develop new applications by creating software that can respond to your business’s continually evolving and growing demands. This also reduces tech expenditure since you’ll be able to use the software for a long time.

The most significant aspect that scalable software provides, in essence, is that it enables growth. As a company, you’ll want to expand, and the software will grow along with your company.

Are you looking to build software that can follow the growth of your company? Set up an appointment with our team of experts and find out how you can scale painlessly.



Schindler Creations
Schindler Creations

We combine ux design, ux engineering and industrial design skills to develop outstanding physical and digital products.