My Risperidone Experience

My new medication

Written by Melissa
Schizoaffective Life
2 min readFeb 17, 2024


Photo by ANIRUDH on Unsplash

I restarted my medications four days ago. I started a brand new medication, Risperidone, to help with my hallucinations. The one thing I can say about this medication is that it levels me out. Nothing gets to me and I just feel kind of blah.

According to the main page of the Google search, it's "an Antipsychotic used to treat schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and irritability caused by autism."

So far I haven't experienced any negative side effects on the very low dose that my Therapist started me on. Hopefully, it's something that will work for me in the long term. I can't say that it helped yet with the hallucinations because I still see and hear things.

I'm going to remain optimistic.

I've tried so many medications and became so frustrated with the side effects that I attempted to live without them. I was willing to battle my demons alone because the effects of the medications became harder to deal with than the actual illness. I was losing my mind, but without the meds, I was at the end of my ropes.

I knew it was time to give it another try.

I'm going to keep an open mind.

One thing I have noticed though is that I am much less optimistic about my job since starting my meds. I was so happy with my new position and now the days seem to drag and I am pushing myself to get through it. Hopefully, that feeling passes, because I finally have a stressful job that I love and I don't want the meds to make it feel like a chore.

