Archive of stories published by schizocities

Report: Techno Resistance and Black Futures

After Rome, my visit to the Techno Resistance, Black Futures conference came as a nice complementary experience. While Fear and Loathing of the Online Self was more concerned with the circulation of identity and its political potential, the event at…

Tagging the Criminal: YouTube Gangsters

This post is a partial adaptation of my presentation at last year’s NWCDTP conference, which I attended in Liverpool. It was a great chance to really reflect on the type of tagging I intend to zero in on in my case studies, as well as listen to a lot of cool

Report: Fear and Loathing of the Online Self, Rome

I have been to a few INC conferences in my Amsterdam years, so when they announced they were tackling online identity this time I just had to go. Organized in collaboration with John Cabot University and Roma Tre, Fear and Loathing of the

These were the top 10 stories published by schizocities; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024.

Schizocities is a research project about globalized identities and the way they circulate. The focus is on the delicate balance between creativity and conformity, imagination and optimization.
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