Trivial Pursuits

Gabriel Sinkin
Published in
2 min readMay 20, 2020

I am utterly unmotivated at this point in time. Work is fine, if extremely stress-laden. All summer plans have been cancelled, so I have nothing to look forward to. What activities should a person with nowhere to go, little to do, and no motivation take on?

I plan on publishing my thoughts here, so I can look back at this time period and have something to show for it. This will serve as my record of the 2020 doldrums. I have no aspirations, goals, raison d’etre (outside of my family), but would like to make forward progress on…something. Beyond this blog, I am trying to do a few minutes a day on to improve my typing skills, run a few miles a day to maintain some semblance of fitness, and cook and eat interesting foods.

Perhaps I should read a book or two, however, I find myself short on time outside of my working hours. A paradox: how can I be short on time and feel like nothing is happening? Kate says today was her first time feeling bored in years (“since before having children”). What does that feel like, I wonder? If past work experiences hold any clues, it is better to be busy than bored. Even still, I crave a little quiet time. How strange to wish for boredom with the world at a standstill.

