A Look Back on all my Blogs

Aubrey Bang-Guerin
Inglorious Bloggers
2 min readDec 7, 2015

Take a stroll down memory lane to see how I’ve improved my creative space.

This vlog is an introduction to my persona as a blogger. It gives me a chance to set my own online definitions and shamelessly self-promote my projects.

In this blog I tested the boundaries of my focus and what things allot for 100% pure focus, and what other things would ensure my complete lack of focus.

I discussed the different type of learners and what environments are the best places to learn. I talked about how personally a collaborative environment is the best place for me to learn.

In this blog the topic was to discuss our big question. my question was “what makes something worth watching?” I use Tyler Oakley as a numerical research source to not just validate my question, but to deepen it.

I discuss “how to make a splash in social media”. I use the creator of Reddit as a scholarly source to define points of what one needs to make people click your link.

And in this last blog I discuss what I will be teaching my period of time. The topic was viral videos, and we collaborated to create a unified definition of what makes a video a viral video.

My Thoughts and Reflections:

Looking over my past blogs I can see that my voice has developed into one that isn’t just a conscious train of thought, but one that has some good points. I’m actually developing my theories and questions, I’m researching, and I’m asking questions. Aesthetic wise I continue to include at least 3–4 pictures and embeds of media.

