A Semester of Blogging

Inglorious Bloggers
2 min readDec 7, 2015
courtesy of cbcelements.com

My first blog served as a brief introduction to the people and things that make me who I am ~

The 5 learning principles I employ to achieve academic success was the topic of this piece ~

In this blog I provided an insight into how I keep attention ~

A brief look into the realm of medical ethics was the topic of this post ~

This blog linked to a TED talk on bio-engineering deepening the scope of my big question ~

Referencing Danah Boyd’s “It’s Complicated,” in this piece I offer my insight about this new age of the Internet~

The lesson plan I developed for teaching the class about medical ethics was the purpose of this blog~

My last blogging piece illustrates how I utilize my learning network ~

Over the course of this semester my blog posts have improved. I learned how to format text, insert quotations, and embed videos. Thanks to comments made by fellow classmates I was able to make grammatical corrections to my blog posts. Additionally, their insightful input aided me in formulating better posts. Blogging has opened up a new platform for me to express myself as well as share ideas and gain relevant feedback. Overall, my blogging experience has been positive and constructive.

