Image By: Jim Manning

How Do You Find Your Place in the Universe Using the Internet and Social Media?

Christian Stoic
Inglorious Bloggers


In Danah Boyd’s book It’s Complicated, she makes the following statement:

“When teens create profiles through social media, they are simultaneously navigating extraordinarily public environments and more intimate friendship spaces.(47)”

Danah Boyd uses teens as her main target of interest in her book, but there is more to this. Crafting an online identity is a way of finding oneself in this crazy online space. When you do this you are putting up those normal social walls (which include dismissing those around us) and showing others who you want people to believe you are. This social conundrum of outward self versus inner self is something that all humans deal with. Our outward appearance is aspiring to be the best person we can be to other people. This in a way is going back to my BIG question. “How do I fit into the Universe”

When you craft an online identity you are showing others where you belong or where you want to belong because everyone wants to be special and feel included. When you are finding your own place in the universe that search for belonging is essentially what you are working towards. Finding yourself in the craziness of the world is crucial to emotional and personal development. I think it’s a goal that is attainable like crafting an online identity that matches oneself, but the journey it takes to reach that is challenging and your inner and outer self can often cause conflicts within. An example would be lying to others and creating a false identity that is drastically different than who you actually are inside.

Boyd is very thoughtful about her interactions and he positive reactions with the internet and even though her question and interpretations are different than my BIG question there is some definite crossover. Especially when it comes to finding yourself. That’s not only a big part of Teen’s life but it’s a big part of adult life.

