How Teamwork Can Be Important

Matthew Park
Inglorious Bloggers
1 min readNov 9, 2015

Working with others is something that varies from person to person; some have success doing it and others don’t. I feel like I am a person who can benefit from working with others, as I tend to learn from those around me. Sure, there are many instances where I feel like I am more than capable of handling a task on my own and without help, but more often than not, I find myself being the benefactor of working with others.

To give a very recent example, since starting at Whittier this semester, I have been active with the Whittier College Sports Network (WCSN). Within this organization, I have been attending sporting events and occasionally providing color commentary for the broadcasts of each game. This is a strong area of interest to me, yet I still consider myself very inexperienced over the mic. However, the broadcasters around me are very seasoned and have been offering me tons of advice over the past couple months. Even when not giving me advice, I have been taking note of what my broadcasting partners have been doing and using these techniques to help myself improve.

There may be a point, when I feel comfortable enough making a broadcast on my own, yet I will always feel that teamwork is an important factor to finding success. Even for those who feel that teamwork can be a hindrance due to others getting in the way of success, having others around us will always help us learn in some way.

