Kyle Hendrix
Inglorious Bloggers
4 min readSep 28, 2015


Attentive Attention Always Allows Adequate Acquirements And Awareness Attributes

Image by Education Blog

To start, how long did it take you to really make sense of my title? How many times over did you have to read it to understand it? Well, as you were rereading it over and over to get an image of what in the heck you were about to read, you were using attention skills without even knowing it. We use attention in our daily lives whether were in the classroom or even at home. My blog today is written to try and challenge what attention really is and how students like us can use it effectively.

What’s learning without attentiveness to the source of information? Better yet, how are you supposed to learn when your mind is engaged with something other than the information being given? In the fast and busy world we live in today, we are often caught in the act of multitasking in order to stay on top of our duties along with being able to meet deadlines. In the classroom, it is very hard for students to fully dedicate an hour or more of their time to strictly learning and being fully engaged in the lesson. This variable of attention is bogged down by multiple outside scenes that catch our eye while we learn. A situation we can all relate to is having that monotoned professor who veers off topic most of the class. Heck anything will catch my attention more than the valuable words being spoken that I pay tuition for, even a bug that is wondering and harassing fellow classmates. There’s a fine line that is the key to mastering attention, which is distinguishing what we want to learn versus what we need to learn. An example as same as the one before; will learning about the flying bugs tendencies be more important in leading to our success than learning the information given by the educated professor? I think we both know the answer to that one. However, it’s knowing when to flip the switch to learning what is necessary rather than paying attention to what you are interested in that separates the educated from the weak minded. There is two words that come to mind when I think of attention which are acquirements and awareness.

ACQUIREMENTS is what you develop through learning and is what you use everyday of your life. Its acquiring this knowledge which will allow you to build your character in such a way that will allow success in a job and even on a personal level with raising a family. If you do not acquire knowledge, then how are you supposed to grow into a better person and prosper in life?? The only way to acquire knowledge is through attention; attention to detail along with attention to how these concept work and how they can be applied to the life outside class. We pay all this money to have the opportunity to acquire knowledge, but how in the hell are we supposed to learn anything if your attention is away from the information that will get you the better letter grade? As you get older, you start to notice the power of thinking for yourself and being able to make inquiries based on your own observations, not others. You also learn the importance of getting a good education later on in your teens as this will be the deciding factor of what job you get, where you go to school, and overall how your life plays out. With experience, you start to acquire how to learn and what is the best way you learn, maximizing your attention. We become more polished individuals as we learn how to control attention and analyze when we should really be listening or not along with what information is important to acquire and what is not.

AWARENESS aside from gaining the knowledge, how are you supposed to incorporate this new given information? when do I apply these new learning tools I just acquired? Another word for attention is awareness, awareness in when to the learn the information given and awareness when to perform other, more important tasks in the mind. I think in our society today we often get lost in assignments and don’t prioritize our lives properly which can lead to common mistakes, even as little as not not bringing a pencil to class. The usual excuse would be that you are too loaded with tasks that you forgot to pack something as little as a pencil. But this is what separates most and can come back with you as you prepare for the real world. We are all creatures of habit and awareness is in all of us. That animal instinct of survival nourishes the most educated individuals in being aware of how to be successful and reach their full potential. Regardless of whether you work at mcdonalds or you are the president of the united states, it is essential to become aware of your surroundings in order to give attention to what is necessary. If you are not aware of the issues that will lead to mcdonalds or even the United States to not function fully, you are failing to do your job and can lead to you getting fired. The main thing is being aware of where to give attention too in order to be successful.

