Moving Forward: A Never-Ending Journey

Christian Stoic
Inglorious Bloggers


In the whole process of taking this course I have learned a lot. Not just concerning material and technology, but I learned a lot more about myself and what I plan to do with my career path. The connections with other peers made during this experience has also been a crucial element that has better helped me go on a much more enriching path.

I have already learned a lot and plan to learn a whole lot more as I continue my own journey through education. This course in particular has given me a big opportunity to see how everything works within Whittier college and within the Whittier Scholars Program . In addition to that knowledge I have also learned to question my surroundings and to count my own connections that I have made in my own life.

Ever since I started working for Heroic Hollywood I started realizing my potential in the field of journalism and how this is actually a potential connection for myself and for my career. I plan to use that as a learning experience for my studies and it is a great opportunity to take what I learn in the classroom and apply it to an actual position that I am already a part of. Being a part of this has greatly improved the way that I think about my education and journalism has become the third leg to my three legged stool. It’s another facet and another notch on my belt that makes up what my degree will be and what my life after college will encompass.

In addition to this connection my peers here are also very inspiring. They have all worked as hard as I have and they all have something special to offer. They are all smart individuals and since a lot of them are tackling similar things that I am dealing with it is great to have them as allies in the battle. I plan to keep these connections with them as long as possible seeing as they understand we are all in this together as classmates and as Whittier Scholar Students. I plan to give as much help to them as they have with myself.

This course in particular has given me skills that are useful in determining my own career path. It is a daunting and challenging thing to pursue education, but adding on designing your own education is even more daunting. This class has made it a little less nervewracking and given a more clear path to all the steps that have to be taken to take control of my education. My education is important to me and determines my career moving forward. The class has given tools and resources (including the guest speakers) that have made things a little more clear at least with my path.

Every Blog post that I made during the semester has made me more aware of the subject matter and how to handle myself in an online space in a new “Medium”. Being proficient at this will definitely benefit my career as I keep moving forward and improving. Technology is crucial and my fields use it on a day to day and minute by minute basis. Incorporating this into the curriculum has really proven crucial.

Moving forward with the rest of my life is a scary prospect, but I know that I have been fortunate enough to learn about it with a group of peers that are helpful and a staff that is also helpful. I hope to find my career path into film soon and I know that with the help of these people I will find success in my future.

