The Essentials Of Education

Kyle Hendrix
Inglorious Bloggers
5 min readSep 23, 2015
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Education is defined in terms of what knowledge you gain in a certain period of time. Almost everyone has a different inference on its true meaning, however. To others, it can simply be the degree you earn at the end of your high school or college learning career. But how does that separate individuals, especially those who challenged themselves by taking harder classes or participating in clubs? This is why the question has been brought up, “what are the essentials of education?” What does a degree really get me for my future? While most will forget the calculus formulas they learned or how cells operate in the body, the most important thing is to really take a grasp of everything that is going on inside and outside of the classroom that will make you more knowledgeable in the real world. You learn new things everyday and as college students you approach new beginnings all the time and learning how to get through them is the real purpose of education in your career, your social life, and in your future. These five principles, if repeated everyday before you get out of bed will allow you to know the why of “why are you learning’ and ‘why do you need to learn this?”

1. Express Your Freedom of Thought

Learning is more than just reading a chapter or doing the assignment your teacher gave you, it’s actually understanding what you’re learning and being able to talk about it extensively. In the classroom today, there is more participatory learning done which allows for each student to give their input on the material along with learning new ideas they never thought about from other classmates. The most important aspect of this type of learning is the chance to share what you know and give you a certain confidence and a feeling of accomplishment when you see the teacher along with the class approving of what you had to say. With the work force becoming even more interactive with other people today, it is crucial that people break out of their bubble and develop the confidence to speak amongst others. You comprehend material more effectively by talking about it and teaching others, making you more engaged in the central idea you want to get out. Speaking also lets the classmates and the teacher know you understand the material through memory and that you are finding your own ideas you want to share.

2. Applying Learning To Everyday Life

You have 24 hours in a day, and everyone has a different schedule than others. But whatever you are doing you will try and use your knowledge to understand what is going on and how to handle every situation. As every professional works at their craft to perfect it, people should be able to expand their knowledge and problem solve when given any situation. After college, we will all have a job and our income and our lifestyles will depend on our mental capability to problem solve and apprehend different situations. Analyzing is done whether your driving your car or studying for a test, but being able to see the big picture and make assumptions on what will happen next can separate you from others when learning occurs. The education system is preparing you for the real world and you should take as much out of it in order to be successful in the future.

3. Teamwork Makes The Dream Work

Say you are in a group project and only one person does all the work while the others go play that new video game that came out. When you go to present that idea, even if that one person fully understands what you are doing, the others are clueless and the result is a bad grade. What happens when you are presenting a sales pitch for your job? It is very unlikely that the other company will buy your product due to the teams misunderstanding of what their product even is. Today, the innovators of America use teams to circulate ideas and incorporate them into their product or research. This allows for more effectiveness in working around problems, working out solutions, and most important not learning “that” but learning the “how”. You are more credible in research when there are many experts that work on the same project rather than one person doing the project.

4. Interacting Brings Knowledge

In such a connected world today with the internet, it is very important that knowledge is learned through others reviewing and editing the material presented. One example is blogs and posts on social media which are open for discussion, edits, and fixes that will make the article more effective. Even though Wikipedia is not seen as a very credible source of information, it is still some where where people can “learn” and interact with each other their different ideas which might give the reader a better understanding of the concepts. Blogging is done to raise questions on a topic while getting people to think for themselves on how they view the issue and more input leads to more knowledge on a subject.

5. Learning To Solve Real World Problems

Everyday we hear about something an individual did or how they discovered something new which leads to a more innovative world. As the internet came into existence, we were now able to communicate ideas and lead to more effective projects and help the world grow and prosper. Instead of every individual going though school just to pass the test, they should be focused on how it applies to the real world and why it happens. As scientists tackle several different issues, students should be doing the same in order to increase the well being of the human race. How do you think we find cures for diseases and better ways to increase our health? It is through groups sharing their research and many people expressing different ways of doing the same thing, leading to more understanding and better results in leading to solving problems that will better the world as a whole.

