What I wish to learn!

Bryson Sanders
Inglorious Bloggers
2 min readOct 20, 2015

My dad’s profession has had a great impact on my life. Ever since a young age I have always wanted to follow in his footsteps. The idea of investing money and making it work you has always driven me to learn more about business. My dad buys, rents, and sells houses, a form of investing that requires the ability to make wise purchases and the ability to quickly and cheaply repair houses. My dad, a finance major in college, gives credit to his education for his success. He has always stressed the importance of an education, not just for the knowledge but as a way to separate yourself from other people in the workforce. I plan to have my own career, different than my dads, while still following in his footsteps. But first I need the tools to build upon what my dad has started. That’s where my education comes in.

What I wish to learn throughout my years of college is how to take what me and my dad do now to the next level. The wisdom, the skills, the connections that an education gives you is invaluable. As mentioned before, I planned to have my own career as well. I also plan to have a different major than that of my dads. Despite his impact on my life choices, there are a lot of other things that I wish to do. In order to land a good job, and be prepared for that job when the time comes, I must attain a proper, well-rounded, education. But a education in which I am well trained for my profession rather than simply able to pass classes. So the answer to the question “What is it that I want to learn” is simple; I wish to learn how to be successful in the business world. I wish to learn more than what my father was taught, because I want to be more successful and build off of what he has started for me. It is this that drives me to be successful, the constant pressure to do better than those before me and those before them. A constant advancement, and what I believe life, and family is about.

