What Will be my Next Step?

Aubrey Bang-Guerin
Inglorious Bloggers
2 min readDec 9, 2015

As I look back on this last semester, I recall many a night of procrastination, blogs of quality, blogs that should be burned, and moments where I realized I love learning from my peers.

So what am I to do with that?

I don’t exactly know what I will do with the connections, skills, and questions I’ve developed. All I can really think to do is to continue learning and researching my big questions; taking these steps for all future pursuits.

  1. Research it
  2. Question it
  3. Share it
  4. Debate it
  5. Write about it
  6. Talk to experts about it
  7. Trust my instincts

From discovering about the different types of learning, I have developed my own solid system of attaining the best understanding of any knowledge I encounter.

This semester has given me the chance of determining what immediate goals I have for the future:

  1. I want to better understand sex/gender/inequality and Society’s role in it.
  2. I want to study about foreign affairs and what our UN system is lacking currently.
  3. I want to study abroad.
  4. I want to get an internship that’ll teach me everything I need to know to be an amazing content creater.

With the steps I’ve been taught I can get glean the best experience from any goal I attempt pursuing.

As I said, I’m not sure what I want to do with all that I’ve learnt quite yet, but in the mean time I have goals that need attending.

