David Coven
Scholarship Junkies
3 min readMar 7, 2016



I’ve talked to a lot of people about scholarships and paying for college, so let’s have some actionable steps to make it happen! If you’re serious about this, I will work with you everyday to make a positive difference in your scholarship future. This is my job, and I take it seriously. But I can only push you as hard as you’re willing to work. I’ve personally won over $150,000 in scholarships, and I want to support you in your journey of scholarship success.

Support from Scholarship Junkies

  • Scholarship Bank — Here we have a collection of scholarships to get your feet wet, it contains over $750k in scholarships to get you more accustomed to the process. After sifting for ones that suit you, we can support in two major ways bit.ly/sj-bank
  • Essay Revision: We provide free one on one feedback, editing, and revision within 72hrs via the following link scholarshipjunkies.org/submit You can submit your essay online and you will get an email shortly.
  • Scholarship Resources: Once you’ve gotten more accustomed to the process, and what works best for you, we have several partners with millions, millions, and millions in scholarships. http://scholarshipjunkies.org/resources/all-things-scholarship
  • Scholar Fund — We built a platform that allows students to raise money directly from donors — pretty much Kickstarter meets Scholarships, where you can sign up, set your goal, and share away to raise money for college quickly www.scholar.fund

Action Items / Next Steps

  • Read this article about the “where and how” of scholarships http://bit.ly/where-and-how-scholarships
  • Read this article about success, http://bit.ly/1U5Ro7d
  • Read this article about burnout, http://bit.ly/1W1VLPL It’s not about your past, it’s not about your present. It’s about investing in yourself now.
  • Create a new and professional gmail email (ex. davidcoven@gmail, covendavid@gmail, davidcoven94, covendavid94) one that will live ONLY for scholarships and extracurricular programs. We want to keep everything contained and focused. Make filters so you can keep as organized as possible. I recommend a gmail so that we can share GDocs
  • Sign up for EACH of the websites listed under “Highly Recommended Scholarship Search Resources”.
  • Put some time into completing your profile. This will help you maximize your return on time investment and will really allow them to only send scholarships that match you to your email. Once you do one you can copy / paste the info into the others.
  • Sync this email to your phone and check it daily.
  • Pay attention to your writing. Take special notice on the “How do I write better?” section of the second article. And realize that after you apply to a number of scholarships the prompts begin to blend into the same questions. Once you have several essays in your back pocket you can then tweak those for other scholarship prompts or even colleges. We’ll work on these together.
  • Get your essays read. This is where Scholarship Junkies comes in handy. Make sure you submit your essays to Scholarship Junkies as a part of your workflow. Before I read any of your writing, you must have had it read by either one of the roommates, and or someone from SJ.
  • Organization is the key to success. Make a copy of our handy dandy scholarship tracker from scholarship junkies. This is a way to keep track of scholarships deadlines, money, and the materials you need to stay on track. bit.ly/scholarship-tracker
  • From here on out it’s a numbers game. Regardless if you’re a finalist or not, work until you have nothing to worry about.

We are re-opening the bootcamp, in which students, and individuals pursing scholarships will have access to a slack group, where they can ask questions, find community, and really get direct access to myself, and the SJ team. If you want to join the slack group sign up http://bit.ly/sj-bootcamp.



David Coven
Scholarship Junkies

Mechanical Engineer @UW | Scholarship Junkies Prez, Holla at me @mrcoven94