The Easiest Scholarships You Can Apply To

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7 min readApr 12, 2019

But, this is not always the case. There are many easy scholarships out there that have simple requirements (if any) and a quick application process. These opportunities can be great for students who are looking for scholarships without putting in much effort or time. With the easy process, you can submit applications to many scholarships so you’ll have a greater chance of winning. One thing to keep in mind is that many students will apply for these scholarships so there is still a lot of competition.

In this guide, we will look at and explain some of the most common and popular types of easy scholarships.

No-Essay Scholarships

One of the most tedious tasks in scholarship applications is the essay. You may feel like all you do is write essays and that they are getting you nowhere!

Believe it or not, there are scholarships out there which don’t need essays at all! Instead, you may have to submit a quiz, a short text about something interesting and fun or information about your grades in school. In some applications, you may need to learn something new in an online course. In others, you may have to submit information about your plans to play sports in your college or university.

If you want to apply for many scholarships in a short amount of time, finding those which don’t require an essay can be an excellent way to save time and effort. It’s important to make your application perfect because you won’t have a chance to introduce yourself in another way. You also won’t be able to show your writing skills through your essay (which may be a negative aspect for those with excellent writing skills).

Quick Scholarships

You may have to write a 250 word essay , or 500 word essay about why you deserve to win the scholarship or to write a short essay relating to the topic of the scholarship. For example, for a law school scholarship, you may have to write a short essay discussing the 7th amendment. For a sports scholarship to discuss your career aspirations as an athlete. These short essays are generally not difficult and often interesting to write.

Social Media Scholarships

Today, social media is everywhere and pretty much everything. If you love Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook or other forms of social media, these scholarships are perfect for you. If you want to apply for these scholarships you often just have to show your skills and the process is fun!

Here are some examples of types of entries for social media scholarships:

  • Answer a simple question on whichever social media platform you prefer to apply for the scholarship.
  • Create a 3–8 minute video on a specific topic relating to the scholarship.
  • Submit a 140 character statement relating to technology for a technology scholarship.
  • Create a 30-second commercial
  • Answer quizzes to test common and general knowledge.

These easy scholarships are great for students who love social media! If this is you, definitely check out these interesting scholarships.

No-GPA Required Scholarships

This is a big one. Sometimes it seems that the only thing that matters when applying to college and scholarships is your GPA. Extreme emphasis is placed on standardized testing and applications are often numbers games.

For some students, this is a major problem. Some people are unable to succeed in standardized testing, while others seem to thrive in these situations. Lucky for us, many colleges and universities are starting to drop their demands for standardized testing. Instead of focusing on tests, they want to get to know their potential students. They look at your work in high school, extracurricular accomplishments, your application and more.

Some of these scholarships believe that all students should have the chance to go to college or university. This is regardless of their academic accomplishments in high school. For example, there are scholarships which prefer students who once lived in foster care. There are also scholarships for students who went to alternative high schools or special high school programs.

These scholarships may also have themes aimed at supporting students with specific life goals. For example, scholarships for students who want to enter the army or nursing scholarships. If you want to study abroad there are scholarships for that too. Other types are community-service based scholarships, race and gender-focused scholarships and more.

Scholarship Sweepstakes

It doesn’t get much easier than this. Scholarship sweepstakes are easy scholarships that are simply based on luck. Entering them couldn’t be any more simple and everyone has an equal chance to win. Some sweepstakes allow many entries if you perform certain actions (like referring the scholarship to a friend). This gives you an even better chance of winning.

Each of these sweepstakes scholarships has different entry requirements. Some just ask you to enter the contest or sweepstakes, some require a short essay or statement, some require to enter quizzes and more.

Scholarship sweepstakes are an easy way to apply for many scholarships, especially if you don’t meet the requirements of others.

Weird Scholarships

One of the best ways to win scholarships is to use skills that make you unique and stand out from the crowd. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of scholarships out there which appeal to specific kinds and types of people. These could be unique or strange interests or hobbies. These are amazing and great opportunities for you to win an easy scholarship.

We searched for some of the weirdest scholarships out there and came across many. For example:

If you have a unique interest or talent, make sure to look for scholarships in the field. This is an excellent way to isolate yourself and make sure to be rewarded for your special interests.

Interest-Based Scholarships

Even if your interests or skills aren’t unique or strange, there are plenty of scholarships in whatever field you choose or specialize in.

Agriculture and Animals

If you’re looking for a career dealing with animals or agriculture these are great scholarships for you.

Athletics and Sports

There are many sports-based scholarships out there. Some focus on specific sports and some are more general. Many require minimum GPA requirements and often an essay.


These scholarships often ask students to show their management skills and abilities. Sometimes they are based on specific types of business adventures such as real estate.

Food and Drinks

Love food? These scholarships are for you! Some food based scholarships require the winners to work or volunteer in the field, study a relevant subject or have experience in the food industry. Others less involved and you can win just for liking coffee and writing an essay!

These scholarships are based on certain hobbies- if you have one of them you’re in luck! Some examples are marbles, ice carving, coin collection and more.

Literature and Writing

Applicants are often asked to submit unique pieces of writing or literature. They are rewarded based on their love and appreciation of this field.

Performing Arts and Music

These scholarships can be for musicians or even revolving around a particular musician. Some require applicants to submit original music or work or a video. Prizes can involve cash or even being featured in music publications.


These scholarships are for students looking to major in art or become photographers. There are different requirements for different scholarships. Some only want a few pictures and others may want a portfolio including an essay describing your future plans. There are also scholarships available for the film. Some photography scholarships will give you equipment in addition to cash for school.

Travelling and Languages

Do you know a unique language? Use that to your advantage in your scholarship search! Some of these scholarships are also for those who wish to travel internationally or who come from certain countries or places. These may also be particularly relevant if you’re looking for a scholarship to help you study abroad.

Here we have listed just a few interest based scholarships. If you have a particular hobby or interest, it’s always a good idea to look for scholarships in the same field. These scholarships are unique and can be considered easy scholarships for you to win.

Corporate Scholarships

Many major companies offer scholarships for high school students. These corporations like Coca Cola and Burger King give easy scholarships to students who match their criteria. For example, John Deere has a scholarship for students who want to study agriculture, engineering or other related fields.

Many of the corporate scholarships are focused around specific types of business and studies. If you already know what you will be studying and are looking for an easy scholarship- these can be for you!


The scholarship field today is large. There is almost every kind of scholarship imaginable available for future students.

By focusing on easy scholarships, you will be able to submit your application to a large number of scholarships. This will increase your chances of winning. In addition, you will save time by not slaving over countless long applications and essays.

Many of the unique types of scholarships outlined here are also perfect for those who possess special or unique skills or interests. These scholarships are particularly interesting and worthwhile for relevant students.

We hope that this guide has helped you to understand what easy scholarships are and why they may be worth your time. Good luck!

Originally published at on April 12, 2019.

