250 Applications!

Incredible news at School of Code over the past few weeks as we received over 250 applicants for our upcoming coding Bootcamp.

Nicola Cronin
School Of Code Blog
1 min readJul 17, 2017


250 individuals from a variety of backgrounds, industries and education levels ranged aged between 12–59 (even though you have to be over 18 for the course it’s encouraging to see some 12 and 13 year olds trying their luck). Most excitingly of all we have a near 50:50 gender split, which we all know is better than the norm for the tech industry.

Our aim was to remove as many barriers into technology as possible — the bootcamp is free and requires no previous experience or academic qualifications — and as a result we have had a hugely diverse cohort of people express their interest. This proves how many people are looking to gain software development skills once the issues of cost and experience are removed from the equation.

People of Birmingham, you’ve done us proud!

Very excited for the next steps in the Bootcamp process and to meet the final contenders at our Interview Day next week.

