5 Weeks later and I’m still here! Hurray :)

Sharon Kaur
School Of Code Blog
4 min readOct 8, 2017

After much contemplation and mulling over my latest team project recently, I suddenly realised just how quickly 5 weeks have flown by, whilst also being excited about what the next month is going to bring too!

Week 1 was a complete whirlwind of an introduction to the internet and front-end web development, followed by an introduction to HTML and making simple web pages. This was suspiciously comfortable to do, which led me to think this must be the calm before the storm, which indeed it turned out to be …

Week 2 consisted of advanced HTML, CSS styling, using Bootstrap for CSS, learning about Github and GitBash commands in command window, using ATOM software, and giving our first team research presentations! My word, that was an awfully large amount of work to cover, but it was also absolutely brilliant learning about so many new coding techniques. Although, I was struggling so far with all these new concepts thrown at me in such a fast-paced environment, I determinedly persevered and did whatever practice and studying I could outside of the bootcamp hours. This was to pay off for the next 3 weeks, as I was about to see…

Week 3 rolled around, and it was all about Javascript! However, the good times were most certainly not rolling in for most bootcampers, including myself, as we realised very quickly that although front-end Javascript opens so many doors to creating/designing/manipulating spectacular websites etc., it can be very difficult to develop the right mindset for working with this programme! Some bootcampers picked it up faster than you could say ‘coding’ and some, like me, were left fumbling around in the dark. However, the motivation, dedication and persistence from Dr Chris Meah, our instructor and CEO, from Nicola Cronin, our marketing and all-round non-coding lead, and from all my fellow bootcampers, allowed me to take a step back, try different ways of thinking about solutions to problems, keep testing and checking, and the light bulb started to go off! What a moment that was for me, and a sense of renewed positivity was restored in me for my coding journey!

It’s not all about coding though! Don’t panic, our resident career coach and go-to man for all things soft-skills-and-employability related, Joe Trodden, was there to equip us with the right tools for becoming the best teamworkers and communicators we could be! From discovering my personality type, to discussing case study scenarios for teamwork, I was able to come away from this workshop with tips and tricks on improving my relationship with teammates and self-reflection on my working mode.

Week 4 saw the end of front-end web development learning (for now!) and moving onto server-side and more back-end software programming. We got started with NodeJS, NPM packages and Node Modules (so far so good), then quickly moving onto making our own servers, using HTML files, HTTP status codes (like 404, 200 etc.), and GET and POST requests! The pace was just as intense as before, with front-end Javascript, but this time I felt like I was really enjoying and understanding server-side development on the first bat!

We carried on with routing in servers, handling errors, and creating our very first databases. For this, we had some really good workshop sessions in MongoDB, including an online remote lecture from Tim Fogarty, Software Engineer at mLABS, speaking all the way from California, USA! It was really fascinating to hear from another perspective/take on server-side programming — an excellent use of time and productivity :)

This last week (Week 5) has been jam-packed full of content again! New teams were formed, and my 2nd group research presentation was on the cards. I saw a significant improvement in my speaking skill and in terms of engaging with the audience better, than my 1st group presentation.

We also covered dynamic HTML and APIs, using the M.V.C concept (Model-View-Controller). The model is the database, planning & documentation; the view is the front-end HTML, CSS and Javascript, and the controller is the API (Application Programming Interface) in our server.

I really enjoyed this part especially, as I felt my brain could process this quicker and better than when I approached front-end Javascript.

We ended the coding side this week with using Templating, Commenting & Documentation in our APIs, using Functional Abstraction Code in all our work files, along with the concept of refactoring different developers’ codes, and implementing AJAX requests in our server.

To end the bootcamping week,we finished off with a more business & start-up related session, on the productionism of apps and their associated business models. We discussed the idea of the Minimum Viable Product, for a start-up business idea — this was especially well received amongst us when Dr Chris Meah thought we should start up a doughnut business, right here at the School of Code Bootcamp!

All in all, this has been a wonderful 5 weeks of coding, developing soft skills for employability and scrutinising out business acumen!

I have throughly enjoyed myself so far — this Bootcamp has exceeded all my expectations so far, and I am ready to charge ahead for the rest of this journey with motivation, perseverance and an open-mind!

Bring on Week 6 and the next month I say :)

A typical Bootcamping day’s essentials….



Sharon Kaur
School Of Code Blog

Medical Technology/Coding/Software Programming/SchoolofCodeBootcamp. Multilingual. Dancer & Choreographer.