Birmingham Gets Ready To Code

The School of Code has had an overwhelming response to the launch of their first coding Bootcamp, receiving 275 applications for 16 spots.

Nicola Cronin
School Of Code Blog
2 min readAug 2, 2017


Originally published on our Bootcamp website at:

Birmingham, UK — 13 July 2017 — Birmingham start-up School of Code are running a coding Bootcamp in Birmingham this September, taking 16 individuals from beginner to software developer in just 16 weeks. The selected 16 Bootcamp recruits will be announced prior to August 1st.

The application period ended last week and saw 275 people expressing their interest in becoming programmers. Applications spanned individuals between the ages of 18 to 59 from a wide range of backgrounds and professions, as well as an almost 50:50 gender split, which is highly promising for the technology industry and its need for diversity. It’s promising that so many people are taking an interest in programming, particularly for the future of the tech talent pool in Birmingham.

Chris Meah, School of Code’s founder and CEO, commented: “The tech industry struggles with attracting different types of people, but the demand for our School of Code Bootcamp has shown that more people than ever want to learn the skills to get into this industry and shape the future. From unemployed job seekers, to school leavers, to veterans, to parents returning to work, the wide appeal of our programme proves careers in technology are attractive to a surprising range of individuals.”

School of Code’s aim is to remove as many barriers into technology as possible , as well as to diversify the types of people who take an interest in the field. Thanks to the headline sponsors of the course, Packt Publishing, there is no cost for the lucky 16 that will be accepted on to the Bootcamp in September.

“The number and diversity of the applicants proves how many people in Birmingham are looking to learn key skills like HTML, CSS, Javascript and Node.JS,” said Dave Maclean, Packt Publishing founder and CEO. “Packt is excited to sponsor School of Code’s Bootcamp participants to increase the population of skilled developers in the West Midlands, which will have an impact on the growth of innovative start-ups in this region.”

About School of Code
School of Code is a company on a mission to help more people benefit from technology. It has created an online multiplayer platform that aims to make coding fun, simple and accessible to all. This platform has been used by over 120,000 people since its launch in December 2016, and School of Code recently won the ‘Transforming Lives’ award at the 2017 Education Awards. The company was founded by Chris Meah while he was completing his PhD in Computer Science at the University of Birmingham.

