It’s all about the growth mindset ….

Sharon Kaur
School Of Code Blog
2 min readOct 22, 2017

Continuing on from our 1st careers session on identifying our personality types and teamwork styles, I thoroughly enjoyed our most recent career coaching workshop with Joe Trodden (from GoDoLife + Entrepreneurial Spark). I found it very helpful and fascinating at the same time. The topic of a growth mindset vs. a fixed mindset is something I have come across before, but have never really explored in detail. I thought the tips and advice to attempt to change our mindset and have continuous growth throughout our lives extremely useful. I also enjoyed the part about identifying a value in ourselves which we want to improve on and how one can go about that.

The last area we covered in this workshop was on identifying with our inner critic and trying to find ways to harness it in a positive manner! I also liked the inner critic video, as well as our exercise on drawing our own ones — when it’s put on paper, it feels more real and there is no way of avoiding confrontation with it!

Overall, these career coaching sessions are very useful and interesting, and complement the learning & development in our non-coding skills areas. I really look forward to what Joe has up his sleeve for out next workshop!



Sharon Kaur
School Of Code Blog

Medical Technology/Coding/Software Programming/SchoolofCodeBootcamp. Multilingual. Dancer & Choreographer.