Music Teacher switches to a brand-new career in Tech after 4 months of training

School of Code
School Of Code Blog
4 min readOct 21, 2022

Dave Adams shares his coding journey through the School of Code — a free 16-week, software development Bootcamp that aims to break down barriers and get new and different people learning to code and into brand new tech careers. No prior coding experience or knowledge is required before the course!

Before the School of Code, Musician Dave played with several bands across Europe and had a full-time teaching career.
“I applied for the School of Code Bootcamp because I desperately needed a career change and wanted to stretch myself mentally. I have wanted to learn to code seriously for a long time and tried to use online resources. I found I didn’t have the time or energy as I had a full-time job.”

“After completing the School of Code my life absolutely changed. The teaching was great, fast-paced, with great results (if I do say so myself).
I absolutely loved it! It’s the best thing I’ve ever done!
Free course (yes, I thought it was a scam at first but I guarantee you that it’s not!) meaning I could finally try to change career into an area that I’m passionate about (other bootcamps are way too expensive and uni was just not possible for me).”

Dave has been progressing on his tech journey, starting out as a Junior Software Engineer in Leamington Spa working with School of Code employer partners Bravissimo. Going on to grow his tech skills and experience in DevOps with Talis to now working as a Site Reliability Engineer at Many Pets.

“Since graduating, I’ve moved around a few companies and received promotion on promotion. I now work as an SRE in a successful fintech company and have managed to buy my first house (among other things).
I am no longer working all hours for derisory pay as a teacher and genuinely look forward to going to work every morning (well most mornings anyway, it is still a job!)”

To apply for the Bootcamp applicants don’t need to have seen a line of code before. The School of Code Bootcamp takes people from absolute scratch all the way through to professional software developers in just 16 weeks.
Their cohorts are representative of the communities they come from, with a 50:50 gender split, an age range of 19–60 and demographics proportional to the local area. The course is 100% free to applicants, 4 months intensive, teaching a wide-ranging curriculum covering the fundamentals of Modern Web Development and javascript.

Through the bootcamps School of Code has helped former teachers, musicians, stay-at-home parents, carers, scientists, bakers, lawyers, marketers, sheep shearers, retail staff, school leavers, volcano scientists, fast food workers, refugees, unemployed, homeless and many more all find a route into tech. They want to change tech education to produce well-rounded, world-class, hyper-diverse talent and believe that everyone should have access to top-quality education.

“School Of Code really worked for me and countless others over the past 4 years. You still have to put in the work but if you do these guys and their partners across the country will support you every step of the way!”

Each student on the Bootcamp is paired with a mentor from the industry. The mentors volunteer their time to help to shape and inspire the budding developers, helping to guide them as they navigate their first steps into the world of tech! Dave has been volunteering his time as a mentor, sharing his knowledge, insights & experience with the School of Code cohorts.

You can take a look at Dave’s full Bootcamp journey video below.

Learn like Dave..

Applications are closing on November 14th for the next School of Code online Bootcamp starting in Spring 2023.
If you fancy a career change and want to learn the skills to become a job-ready software developer then apply here to kick-start your tech career!

