School of Code — week 10

Kira Green
2 min readApr 14, 2019


This seemed like a strange week, it felt like the pace has relaxed yet looking back we have packed a lot into the week. We had lots more guest speakers — Naomi from Tech Nation, Simon from Silicon Canal, Amon from Hyve were just three of the many who came in. The variety of speakers is really giving us a much wider appreciation of the tech community and opportunities available to us.

We spent Tuesday morning at the OneTeamGov event, which I will have to admit wasn’t the highlight of my week but I appreciated the opportunity to get involved and start to understand some of the issues facing the public sector.

On Wednesday we spent most of the day all working on the same project — so a team of 23 of us, split into our smaller teams and one person from each of the smaller teams acting as a project manager. Amazingly the end product wasn’t too bad! Chris reviewed the code overnight which meant we had the chance to look and see what best practice for each of the elements would look like.

Other things learnt this week included Gatsby, CSS variables (we have seen these before but looked at them in more depth), Google Analytics, plus six topics which we researched and presented to each other.

Being pushed outside of our comfort zones this week involved us all having to individually write a technical article to publish on medium. I enjoyed this task — I quite like writing and I in the back of my mind this was something I had been thinking of doing for a while, but did need the push.

Only six weeks left! I have a feeling they are going to go very quickly.



Kira Green

I left a career in teaching in December 2018 to pursue a new career in tech. In Feb 2019 I joined the School of Code bootcamp .