The 2017 Festival of Education

Nicola Cronin
School Of Code Blog
2 min readJun 26, 2017

Last Friday School of Code drove down to the south east of England to attend the Telegraph’s Festival of Education. Hosted at Wellington College — which Chris aptly referred to as “a cross between Hogwarts and Downton Abbey” — the day saw hundreds of educators from across the country come together to share experiences, listen and inspire, and we felt very lucky to be included in the list!

But seriously, Wellington College left me slightly speechless — and the sun was shining all day long

It was great to receive such positive feedback following Chris’ talk, particularly from teachers who were struggling to find engaging and interactive ways to teach their pupils code. By the end of the day we had a classroom of teachers giving our online platform a go: coding their own pixel avatars using basic HTML, CSS and Javascript. For something that might seem quite childish, you’d be surprised at how much they were enjoying themselves. It was actually difficult to get them to leave at the end of the day when our slot was over.

From a mixture of ages, genders and personality types, everybody successfully completed the activities and seemed to enjoy doing so. This kind of reaction is amazing to see, and goes to show what School of Code are on a mission to prove: anyone can do it!

Why not have a go yourself here?

