Competitor Content Analysis: A Practical Example

How to perform a competitor content analysis to find gaps

Andreea Macoveiciuc
School of Content


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The competitor content analysis is typically performed before or while developing your content strategy, to get a clear understanding of their strength and weaknesses.

For this example, I will analyze the competitors of Poise, a platform that offers narration services to authors and content creators who want to have their written content repurposed into audio format.

I’m not affiliated with any of these products/services, but I will conduct this analysis as if I were the content strategist of Poise.

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If you prefer video content, here’s a walkthrough.

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Step by step process

I will use this spreadsheet for gathering the data. Feel free to make a copy of the template and use it for your own analysis.

Before diving into the step-by-step process, let’s clarify one more thing: the goal of…



Andreea Macoveiciuc
School of Content

I bring clarity to content chaos and help SaaS companies scale their marketing by aligning their strategy to business goals.