Submission guidelines

Andreea Macoveiciuc
School of Content
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2020

Process for becoming a School of Content contributor

Photo by Erik Witsoe on Unsplash

School of Content is a personal project started more than 5 years ago, out of passion for everything content-related.

Our focus at the moment is on content strategy, management, and marketing, and our preferred niches are e-commerce and SaaS.

If you’d like to become a contributor, please make sure your content fits in one of those topics.

What type of content we publish

We don’t have many rules, but before you submit a story, please make sure it checks these boxes:

  • No fluff: We only accept in-depth, practical content. It doesn’t need to be a how-to or step-by-step guide, but it should provide valuable information.
  • Pain-point focused: We prefer content that addresses a very specific problem, pain point, or challenge of companies in the e-commerce and SaaS niches. Obviously, the topic should be related to content.
  • Clear target persona: We prefer content that targets content managers, marketing managers, or content strategists. We don’t feature the typical how-to articles for content marketers that you can find everywhere online.
  • Technical knowledge: We love articles that address the technical aspects of content strategy and management. Topics like content modeling, setting up a CMS, moving from unstructured to structured content, etc.
  • Case studies: We love case studies that show the benefits of a well-done content strategy & execution.
  • Personal stories: We accept personal stories only if they are relevant to our topics. If you own a content agency that has a particular story, we’d like to hear it.

Submission procedure

We accept content that has been already published, as well as drafts. Make sure the article follows the Medium guidelines, before submitting it.

To submit: E-mail me at, with your name, Medium @handle and the link of your story. You’ll hear back from me in 24 hours.

That’s all! Thanks for reading and I look forward to your stories! :)



Andreea Macoveiciuc
School of Content

I bring clarity to content chaos and help SaaS companies scale their marketing by aligning their strategy to business goals.