1st Sydney School of the Possible Meet & Greet on July 18th, 2018

Alicia Dudek
School of the Possible
5 min readJul 19, 2018
Oh hey it’s night at the Museum with the Possibilitarians

Hey friends on July 18th we got together to have the 1st Sydney School of the Possible meet and greet in the New South Wales Art Gallery. We aimed to get together and be possible. I felt possibilities abound.

We’re coming together to meet and learn about what is School of the Possible, while exploring our own possibilities. I wanted to have a walk through the Museum with some friends, so I thought to host it there and have a wander around the museum and fill out a conversational worksheet about possibility.

We met outside just by the door and took a photo first on the front steps. Tod, from our newly formed group Ambition, waved our School of the Possible flag. On the flag is the painting, chosen because it was the one artwork I had on my work laptop, yes its possible. Everyone gathered around the entrance. I had a super short spiel about the School of the Possible, where it launched from, and how it can be anything you want it to be as a vehicle to making your purpose and passion possible to help the world.

Simon sharing who he is and his flavour of possibilities.

Our mate Sahaj Dumpleton came out in full Globalise Love regalia. See his t-shirt with the heart? We had Nik and Peter, two members of the start-up Coreable, a soft skills quantification crew. Neil who specializes in adult learning. Michele a filmmaker and experience consultant. Simon who does agile and technology and VR and everything in between. Carolina a film maker a profound observer of life (aren’t we all ;-). Micheal, who showed us how our rooms can be like a museum of our lives, is in the far back left. Lina, who runs mindful cooking classes, retreats, and more, was so kind later and jumped on the ride to plan our next meet-up.

1st Sydney School of the Possible Meet-up worksheet, our secret instruction was that we were going to work backwards from number 4 back to number 1.

I handed out our worksheets and communicated the plan to tour some exhibits silently, work on our worksheets backwards and finally circle up to share. Ready and steady, off we went into the bowels of the museum.

We began by wandering through the typical museum fare of much Western art.

Neil saw the possibility of the whole block of marble from the sculpture and was imaging how the sculptor might have seen it in reverse.

Then as we we’re in this gallery and Tod was waving our School of the Possible flag, a man came up to him and began asking lots of questions.

The flag and Tod.

As I approached him he turned on me and began a loud and breathy monologue on how we shouldn’t be looking at western art but go down 2 levels and see the Aboriginal art. I thought sure why not, we might add that to our next wander as the 1st level we were looking at now was absolutely packed with this very engaging show called Faboriginal, and the room was wall to wall packed.

We trotted down two escalators to the Aboriginal Art Exhibit. Here the mood changed and the quiet was a change from noisy upstairs.

Carolina and the many layered artwork she saw possibilities within.

We noticed many pieces and returned to gather at a table and draw our possibilities.

Worksheets and drawings are possible.

Then we moved into a guerilla workshop space that was quieter in the asian galleries. We circled up and sat on the floor to tell the stories of our possibilities and the artworks in which we noted possibilities.

Guerilla circling space in the gallery.

As each of us told the story of what artworks and possibilities emerged we noted the resonances and passionate purposes. Our conversation shifted into a chat about personal missions and processes to crystalise them, and then the conversations meandered into many possibilities.

Circling to share.

Our finished worksheets looked like this, here is what my final sharing looked like on paper.

“In Sydney we have a chance of an abundance of possibilitarians to meet.”

Onwards and onwards the chat and connections went. Until many were sitting in the cafe and witnessing government documents for each other while profoundly hugging it out, and meeting on the plan of possibility.

Possibilities and connection!
Smiles, possibilities, and ambition!

Thank you so much to all the Sydney Possibilitarians who could make the evening at the museum. Thank you to all those who intended and couldn’t join us. Thank you to all those who are with us in spirit across space, time, and dimensions. Abundance, gratitude, and possibilities abound.

Anything is possible.

Globalise Love,

Alicia Dudek

Believer in the possible.

P.S. You’ll be hearing from Lina M. and myself next time after we all go for a visit to the Sydney Botanical Gardens next! Maybe even for a morning sunrise Sydney School of the Possible 2nd Meet-up.



Alicia Dudek
School of the Possible

Helping people understand themselves and other people. The work I do creates more opportunities for empathy to infiltrate businesses & the world