An invitation to try a recipe which is an experiment for healing the world.

Dear friends. Please join me Friday for an experiment that is also an invitation which is also a demo.

Dave Gray
School of the Possible
6 min readMay 2, 2018


My dear fellow humans who have been on this same learning path, who have somehow caught the scent of this learning trail, this scientific research journey which leads to observations of pains and problems and pitfalls and potential that lead to creative paths and expeditions into the imagination which captivate the engineering mind that immediately inspire the engineer to start drawing blueprints which the practical mind insists must be achievable and the visionary mind then insists must be created at once, causing the practical mind to ask but how would it work, which kicks it back the engineer, and on and on and on.

Yes, you, my fellow neogeneralists, who have figured all of this out along with me, because I have learned that a good neogeneralist is an artifact learner, and a tinkerer, and a recipe maker, which is all to say that I know who you are.

Because if you followed my learning journey this far then you have noticed that I am an artifact learner, like you, a neogeneralist, like you, a kind of learner that makes physical artifacts as they go, and this style of learning is a natural type of learning, it is very human, and a good kind of science. And it also leaves a trail that others can follow, which is a kind of demo. A thinking demo. Which is the only way I can think of to teach thinking. By demo.

It is not actual science, the way that we practice it today. But it is possible science. The way I think we will do it tomorrow. And I believe it is also a rediscovery, a rediscovery of a kind of science we practiced in the past. I also believe there are many in the world who are already practicing this science, although many of them, I think, do not realize they are practicing science.

And I know you are here now because you followed a little path I started laying down about a week ago, a bit loudly with a Big Bang, followed by the faintest of scents, a convoluted and twisting and turning trail, which got quite boring at times you know Dave, and yes, I heard that, and I do know, but the creative process is not made of quick thinking, but slow thinking, and to understand the thinking that I am showing you by demo you need to slow down. Yes the science of the future will be a slower science. We need to go slow, because that is how you walk into a mysterious unknown forest of complexity, slowly!

And that is also the price you pay if you want to follow another person’s thought process, because creative processes are generative processes, but if you have the patience to learn your new thinking skills slowly, then I can teach them to you, because that is how I learned them, slowly. And that is how they must be done. Slowly.

Because slowly is how you learn the kinds of things that require your full attention, the attention of your body and your mind. Like learning to cook or to draw or to play the guitar. What we are learning and teaching at the School of the Possible are mind skills that must be learned, and practiced. They take time.

And if they are applied responsibly, they are also scientific research processes that are informed by empathy and a thoughtful concern that we are dealing with life here, and lives, and we should be careful when we are working with the creative processes that are going to generate our future, and in order to be careful with them we need to start teaching them, and I am starting a school which will be an institution where this kind of new creative spiritual science can be studied and learned and you can call it Harvard or Hogwarts or Jedi training academy or a learning center or a dojo or whatever you want to call it.

But I am opening a door to a new kind of science and on Friday, I am opening a portal into my laboratory of the possible, also known as a zoom call. This is my way of celebrating May 4th, World Possibility Day. The invite will go out when I open the zoom call on Friday morning, and it will go directly to the people who have joined the email list.

So I invite you to join me in a special celebration.

Relax, don’t worry about missing out on anything. There will be stuff and there will continue to be more stuff. I will be opening the portal periodically to share what we have learned. The learning path is being laid now, you are on it, and it will not be going away. But the most exciting stuff is beyond the path, halfway up the mountain, joining the advance exploratory team that is roped together, off the trail altogether, conducting field research in an entirely new way of seeing a thing that has always been there. Something that is far older than humanity. This is the adventure I call you to join.

There is a real life revolution in the real world coming. It is already underway. I did not start it, I noticed it. And just recently I noticed that it is reaching a tipping point, and this is why I decided to apply all my network complexity arts and sciences to make sure that May 4th is a tipping point to be remembered, and I proposed it as a game which is also a strategy, a plan to win.

There is a vision and a clear set of next steps and a theory and a plan to take all of humanity to the next level. And I am not leading this revolution because I am really an artist, a scientist and a type of engineer, no, I am not leading it but opening a door and proclaiming it open, and to celebrate the opening I will open a portal into my brain this Friday, okay?

No, I am not launching it. We are all launching it. But the scientist in me is observing it, and the artist in me is imagining it, and the engineer in me needs to build it, and I have already found the architect, so I am not launching it but proclaiming it and naming it.

This Friday, May 4th, is now World Possibility Day!

And I am going to celebrate World Possibility Day by opening up a zoom call with my friends like all of you, to share the good news and explain the vision for the revolution and a strategy and a plan and a new kind of thinking with a new theory.

And to understand the plan we need your relaxed brain and your trust that it is all in there, but it will take some chill time and a lot of reflective thinking and a lot of talking through to get everything explained and understood. But before anything else makes sense you have to understand the theory and the new thinking and how all this got unlocked in the first place.

So relax, and on Friday I will open a portal, and don’t worry if you can’t make it, because I will record it, and we will all have some fun and learn a lot as together we unpack the unified theory of possibility!

Follow the journey.

